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Choose the latest date available in a dashboard filter

Assume a date dimension. It contains a series of dates. The latest date available as a value is not necessarily today or yesterday as it could be mentioned in the dashboard filters. The need is for the dashboard filter is to select the latest date av...

analytik by 7 - Data Storage
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Connect to PI Historian

Can you give me some tips on how to connect an elasticube to a PI Historian server?  Is there an add on for PI Historian that I need?  We want to combine data from an Oracle database with PI Historian data to show both in a dashboard.


Resolved! Dynamic Decimal Points

Hello Sisense Community! Is anyone aware of a method to dynamically round data labels so that:  Any value >= 1000.00 shows two decimal points (green in the screenshot)Any value < 1000.00 shows 0 decimal points (yellow in the screenshot)  


Resolved! BloX Notification When Data Loaded Due To Scroll

I have a BloX widget that builds a simple table of name/value pairs.  The data has 16 rows and I have showCarousel set to false so all data is displayed.  When the widget is rendered, only the first 10 rows of data are displayed.  Using Chrome's deve...

CDavidOrr by 9 - Travel Pro
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Resolved! BloX not showing all items

I have a BloX widget that builds a small table of item/value pairs.  I want to show the entire table so I have showCarousel set to false.  The table builds fine but only the first 10 items are shown in the widget.  (There are 16 total.) This page: ht...

CDavidOrr by 9 - Travel Pro
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Tips on Managing Formulas / Getting Consistent Calculations

Question for y'all: How do you maintain consistent calculations of key metrics? Custom columns in the data model won't work b/c I need aggregations that can be easily filtered (e.g. can't add activation % to my base table b/c my stakeholders want to ...

hlorosc by 9 - Travel Pro
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How to create a table with a range of dates?

Hi,I have a use case were I have this tableI want to plot in a chart in continues dates (i.e. from the minimum date of launch_time to the current date).e.g. 1/1/20 - 1/12/22 and count the number of instances that were alive in a certain date based on...

TomerA by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Resolved! Remove Widget Lines When Exporting to PDF

Hello Sisense Community! Does anyone know of a way to remove the borderlines that appear on each widget? I have highlighted them in yellow in the example screenshot below.    


Let viewers remove their starred filters

Hi all, Through the REST API it's possible to give viewers access to starred filters and also let's them create those filters themselves. However, they do not have the option to overwrite/remove those starred filters. Is this possible? Or could this ...

ScheurK by 9 - Travel Pro
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Resolved! How to discard dashboard changes

If I, as the owner, make changes to a previously published dashboard and then decide that I want to discard those changes instead of publishing them and revert my local copy back to my published version, how can I accomplish that?

CDavidOrr by 9 - Travel Pro
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Resolved! Relative dates using Blox

Hi all,   I came across this article showing how change the date granularity for widgets using Blox:   However, in the Blox code it shows fixed entries (basically it forces curren...

ScheurK by 9 - Travel Pro
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Format Chart Columns with Same Values

Is anyone aware of how to format a column chart so that all columns with the same values are represented by a matching color? See the attached screenshot. 


Conditional formula based on value from chart

Hi,I have created a chart that is base on launch day and I want to count the number of IDs per each date in the chart but only if the ID has last_seen date that is >= from the day on the chart.And this the chart with only count unique IDs without the...

TomerA_0-1641904581863.png TomerA_1-1641904693149.png
TomerA by 8 - Cloud Apps
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