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License server unavailable, MID is not alphanumeric

I'm trying to do new install on a new server and keep getting license server is unavailable.  If i select behind a firewall option, I get a key that is not alphanumeric so i can't use it on portal to get a offline.  Version is windows ...

donogc by 7 - Data Storage
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Resolved! Components/technologies inside Sisense

I'm curious about what Sisense is built upon.  I've seen references to MongoDb in the documentation.  But I could swear I've also seen "MonetDb" referenced in some pop-up error messages before.Is Monet for the cube storage, and Mongo is for the dashb...

How to pivot this data table?

I have this data table in my database. Both seller and contract terms are varchar fields and the rest are float fields.I want to pivot this to show the end table like below. However, it seems impossible to do in sisense. I used pivot table in sisense...

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lalasisi by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Resolved! Splitting time taken to resolve data by 30/60/90 days

Looking to provide metrics on counting time taken to complete assignments split by 30/60/90 days.Working in the pivot table grouping by "Department" I want to display 3 columns based on DDIFF (start_date and end_date) so that I can see count of those...

AlexW by 7 - Data Storage
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AWS RDS SSL Certificate Update

Amazon SSL certificate authority needs to be updated at Sisense/Periscope in order to continue connecting our RDS-hosted database. Without this fix, Periscope is at risk of completely stopping working in August.

ATP_JD by 7 - Data Storage
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Intermittently dropping users

I have a ticket in with support, but so far not getting the help we need. Has anyone ever encountered an issue where Users are suddenly being dropped from Sisense and know where to look for root cause? This started happening after the Sisense securit...

paigeb8 by 7 - Data Storage
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Resolved! Installation Error for EKS

Hello Technical Support,We are trying to do a fresh install of L2024.1 as our pilot testing before migrating to multi-node. While the installation we encounter a error. Please see below logs. 2024-06-27 18:49:20 [ℹ] eksctl version 0.183.0 2024-06-27...

jomel2013 by 7 - Data Storage
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Handling Multi-line text in blox

Noticed an odd behavior with multi-line text inputs in blox. If I define a text input as multiline...   { "type": "Input.Text", "id": "data.Parameters.NOTES", "defaultValue": "", "isMultiline": true, "rows": "5", "value": "{panel:NOTES}" },   I can...

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Resolved! Survey Pop-Up

Is anyone else getting this pop-up over and over? I have taken the survey, and clicked "No thanks" probably about 50 times. 

gwolfe by 10 - ETL
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Shared dashboard widget script not saving error

I have an embedded shared dashboard, when I open the widget script and try to save I receive the error: "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'script_old')" I can save the private version of the dashboard and widget with no issues. What is causing...

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