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Referencing Filter Value in a Sisense Formula for Dynamic Data Display

I’m trying to switch the displayed data based on a user selected filter.This would be done in Power BI using something like the below:Value = SWITCH(TRUE(),               [Selected Item] = “A” , Sum(A),               [Selected Item] = “B” , Sum(B),  ...

Laflet by 9 - Travel Pro
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Hive query showing error in Sisense

Hi Team,Built query in Hive. It's retrieving results in Hive terminal,But when i try to parse the same query in Sisense through elastic cube .giving me the following error:cannot POST /api/v1/connection/cf8a8ccb-6080-4067-a6e7-8a792a127581/table_sche...

Error when using DDiff function

I am trying to add a column to my report using the DDiff formula but getting the following error (also attached): Error querying your data modelBE#208517 Internal Analytical Engine Error: org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.ParseCancellationException My fromul...

Resolved! Wiser Filter Widget

Has anyone been able to use the wiser filter widget?  we recently installed the Wiser filter widget plugin, but it has not been working. The filter does show up in the list of add ons when on the Admin tab in the UI. We are able to enable/disable the...

Pivot Table - Value from past date

Hi Team,I have a pivot table where I have different dates and number of cities. In the other column, I want no. of cities from last date.The PREV function or DIFFPASTDAY Function is not working as dates are not in any pattern.So, in the screenshot be...


Resolved! Hyperlink KPI Widget

Hello Experts! Client requested to have the KPI widgets (Indicator) contain hyperlinks that would direct them to another dashboard or site link once clicked. Is that possible? Hoping someone can help me with this ask. Any tips will do!Thank you in ad...

ajque by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Resolved! Dashboard filter still affects widget after deletion

I have deleted a blox dashboard filter but it still show and is still affecting widgets on the dashboard. None of the below dashboard filters are actually on the dashboard anymore. I have deleted them and want to create a new one but these old ones a...

zach_myt by 10 - ETL
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Set marker symbol for each category in line chart

Different marker symbols can be set to line chart based on its value (Y-axis) using this script. But in some cases we may need to set icons for each category (X-axis), Here is a script to achieve this

harikm007 by 13 - Data Warehouse
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change order of column aggregation in pivot

Im looking for way of changing order in which column are aggregated in pivot table.Below you will currently what I have. I have month numbers first and for each month I have Primary and Comparison Value.What client is looking for is to have Primary V...

column order.PNG
Wojtek by 9 - Travel Pro
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Refresh Elastic Cube Programmatically

After elastic cube built, I need to refresh the cubes based on the flag exists in Database.I created and build the elastic cube and now I want to refresh this cubes , if column value in give database in Y. instead of defining the interval

Editing BloX "protected template"

Hi, I'm working on a prototype in Amex's E1 environment and I cannot save changes to the BloX widget. I get a dialog box stating that changes can't be saved because the template is protected. I was able to save yesterday and I don't recall protecting...

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