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Creating new user roles?

I am looking at customizing user roles and am wondering if it is possible to create a new role type. For example, I'd like to make a new role that is between a Viewer and a Designer that ...

vrice by 8 - Cloud Apps
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How to filter out dates past the current date

Hi! I have one metric here that is using the PREV() function to get data from 4 weeks ago. Hence, the date rows go all the way to 4 weeks in the future here. I have included a widget filter called current_date_flag, which is basically a row in my EC ...

amelia by 10 - ETL
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Blox Template - Cards

Here is a blox template for cards Refer :    Blox Editor Script: { "style": "", "script": "", "title": "", "showCarousel": false, "body": [ { "type": "Col...

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harikm007 by 13 - Data Warehouse
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Filter relationships

Hi all, Sisense 2022.6 comes with Filter relationships. It says it requires the analytical engine to create these relationships. Does this mean this feature is only available for live models? Or is it also available for Elasticubes? Kind regards,Sche...

ScheurK by 9 - Travel Pro
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Multi-Level Headings to Group Columns Together

Hi Sisense Community! I have a question with regards to dashboard design:  For the pivot table widget, would it be possible to add category headers for the metric columns like this? I have pivot tables with several metrics, so it would be ideal to gr...

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amelia by 10 - ETL
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Resolved! Customizable card view for widget

Hi, Can I manipulate card view for individual widgets and also easily make changes to set the card view type border only for certain sides of the (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)  widget? Thanks

Resolved! Custom Filtering for Viewers - Blank Filter Menu

I have a dashboard with three filter buttons made from BloX that will filter the dashboard for specific time ranges (last 2 weeks, last 4 weeks, last 8 weeks). These buttons work as expected by creating a custom filter when there is no option that ma...

vrice by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Removing First Row

Hi Sisense Community! I would like to write a script to remove the first row of the pivot table in my widget. I don't want to use an advanced filter, as I already tried that and using a filter affects the rest of the values since I use a DIFFPASTWEEK...

amelia by 10 - ETL
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Resolved! Filtering until last week

Hi! I am creating a pivot table and I currently have all the values populated until the end of this year. However, I would only like to include values up until the previous week, which is a dynamic date. Is there an advanced filter I could use that w...

amelia by 10 - ETL
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Removing the "Analyze It" button from your Dashboard Widgets

When sharing a dashboard you might want to prevent the user from seeing the "Analyze It" buttons on the widget's title bar   Add the following dashboard script: dashboard.on('widgetready', function(dash) { $('.analyze-it-button').remove()}) BeforeAf...

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Iteration in Blox with Header iterations

I want to make the iteration over the Form Name marked(in red) in the below image. So, basically here there is a header name which has some attributes and their corresponding values which is different for every header and also there are multiple such...


Adding text to indicator widget

Hi! I have an indicator widget that is updated weekly to show the latest weekly values. As such, I would like to have a line underneath this number that says something like 'updated as of *latest week date*' . The date would have to be updated based ...

amelia by 10 - ETL
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Resolved! Secondary Indicator Widget

Good morning - I would like to create a 'simple' numerical indicator widget with a sales value as the primary metric and the target sales value as the secondary metric. The target sales value is stored in an excel sheet with a structure like this:  ...

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amelia by 10 - ETL
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