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Unwanted categories in dashboard filter

Core issue: Dashboard filter is showing selectable categories which have no values in the table used by the dashboard. Example: I have a dashboard which presents data from the Charges (fact) table below.  There is no reference to the Inventory table ...

cglowe by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Column Chart - Format a column to have rounded corners

When creating a column chart, you might want to design it to have rounded corners To round all corners - Apply the following widget script: widget.on('processresult',function(widget,result) { result.result.plotOptions.column.borderRadius = 10;}); B...

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How to allow Blox widgets to take the default dashboard style

I'm starting out trying to create Blox widgets. Most of these are not intended extend dashboard functionality to show sparklines and to put filters on the dashboard rather than to the side of it. So I'd like these widgets to fit in  with the styling ...

Pivot 2.0 - Add more than 3 measures in the "columns" pane

Sisense limits a user from defining more than 3 column values to make sure that the underlying SQL (group by) query doesn't get too complex (notice the missing '+'): However, in some cases, a user would like to add more than 3 values. These include:...

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Case Statement at Widget Editor Level

Hi,   I am trying to create a new dimension base off of a case statement in the widget editor, but I can't get it to work (unless it's based on a value).  For example, this first snippit (this is what I need) won't work . The second will. I don't wan...

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gwolfe by 10 - ETL
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Resolved! How do you turn a field into a formula?

I want to display a COUNT of 'Time Clock In' by Employee, and then I am going to do further math but the thing is, how do you turn it into a formula?

Jon by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Resolved! Embed dashboard for guest viewers?

Is it possible to embed a dashboard or otherwise share a dashboard so that anyone with the link can view it without signing in?  Data level security is not a concern for my use-case.

cglowe by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Resolved! Advanced Filter Function

Hi Sisense Community! I am currently building a sales dashboard and would like to compare actual sales numbers and sales target. However, the data that I have for actual sales is only until the current date, but the sales targets are until end of yea...

amelia by 10 - ETL
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Build function on custom table not working.

I have attempted, in the data source section of an elasticube/dashboard to build with changes only on a custom table (green).  After 8 hours, the custom table continues to show "unbuilt changes" and at various intervals a separate table (brown) shows...

Resolved! Horizontal Scroll missing from Dashboard with one Table widget

I have a pivot table on which I have implemented Jump to Dashboard.  The dashboard that it jumps to contains only a table widget.  This widget is getting populated correctly.  However, the widget has quite a few columns; more than what will fit on th...

CDavidOrr by 9 - Travel Pro
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Display total value in legend

The script below displays value of each items along with legend in pie chart. Refer :   widget.on('processresult', function(se, ev){ ev.result.legend.labelFormatter = function(){ ...

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harikm007 by 13 - Data Warehouse
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Max # of columns in source table

I am working on importing a flat file (CSV) with a large number of columns (~350) into an elasticube. When I go to build the cube, even when only using a small number of sample rows, I get an error that says "Memory allocation has failed for <column ...

mattmca by 9 - Travel Pro
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"Where" Function

Can the "where" function be used in a lookup formula to limit the rows looked at to only result in values that are not null or only a specific value or partial value?  I am attempting to use a lookup formula, where the value being used to look up app...

Custom Sisense Bar Chart using Blox Progress Bar not working

I want a Progress Bar that will display my current sales in comparison to the target. I found a similar tutorial and followed it exactlyThis is the tutorial I followed :

Lisha by 8 - Cloud Apps
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