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Resolved! Bar-in-Bar chart

Hi, does anyone know how to create a bar-in-bar chart?   

gwolfe by 10 - ETL
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How to avoid duplicate rows in BLOX pivot

Hello,  We have a BLOX pivot from which there are multiple JTDs, from different columns. But the issue is that we are getting duplicate rows due to the different columns we are using. We are unable to hide certain columns since those are being passed...

Resolved! Transposing Pivot Table

Current format ^   The format I want to achieve ^ Hi everyone, I am currently working on a project and the client wants the values to be displayed in rows, grouped by Country (as seen in the image above). However, the default in Sisense is to put t...

Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 1.43.17 PM.png Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 1.43.28 PM.png
amelia by 10 - ETL
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Sisense Data Models Data Dictionary

Sisense documentation lists Data Dictionary as one of the product features. Documentation for that is shown here: Creating Data Dictionaries.  However, this feature only supports the creation of table and column description information. This is help...


Dynamic date display in text widget

Hi, I'm trying to display the timezone of the country based on the value selected in the country dashboard filter, in a text widget. Using the below dashboard script as  kindly shared by a fellow community member, but I don't see date getting populat...

Screenshot 2022-11-29 at 10.50.23 AM.png Screenshot 2022-11-29 at 10.49.06 AM.png
R1 by 7 - Data Storage
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Widget to display time

Hi, We have a requirement where we have to display the local timezone of the country that is being selected from the dashboard filter. The dashboard filter on country has values like Italy, France, Netherlands, UK, US etc. When the user selects "Ital...

R1 by 7 - Data Storage
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Blox Sparkline hover label

Hi, is it possible to configure the hover option on a Sparkline to include a date label?   

DamianC by 8 - Cloud Apps
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The script Waterfall  doesn't work anymore

Hi all,  Do you notice that the script Waterfall  doesn't work anymore after the release L2022.09 or L2022.10 ? The summary columns are not calculated and the "layout" don't work. The console give this error message : "Cannot set properties of undefi...

Claire by 7 - Data Storage
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Bubble Chart with Pivot

Hi all, I want to make bubble chart inside the Pivot table, we have column as a Product Category and rows as an ID, I want to show bubble as a value between them.  For Example: I want bubble instead of Total Profit% value inside the pivot table. Plea...


I'm started planning for the gamification of our software. I'm starting with Bartle's Player Types (I'm an EAKS, no surprise there) and am assuming that the best way to go about this as a dashboard widget is going to be BloX for the original graphics...

Hide Expand Icon

Is there a way to hide the expand Icon? Please find the screenshot for your reference. Thanks, Rahul

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