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Resolved! Hide column until drilled into

I want to hide a column until the user drills into the chart. Example of what it currently looks like below: I would like to hide the "Videos in Module" until the user clicks the drill into. So it would look like this initially. Then when a user cl...

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zach_myt by 10 - ETL
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Pivot table with Customer input

Hi Team, I am looking to create a pivot where where I would like to have input from the user in one of the fields as a feedback form.Please see the screenshot attached.Here, I want to take the input in the last columns in the screenshot below. Any he...


Enable/Disable Pivot columns based on selected filter

Sometimes we need to hide or show few columns in pivot table based on a filter selected. Here is a script to achieve this. Reference: Steps:   Create a Pivot tab...

harikm007 by 13 - Data Warehouse
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Resolved! Dashboard time filter from dynamic TODAY until forever

Hi.  I have searched and cant seem to find this specific answer and I have tried multiple attempts of using currentdate(), today(), etc. I need a dashboard time filter that starts TODAY, end date doesn't matter as I can make it 20 years into the futu...

mccoy1000 by 7 - Data Storage
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Ability to add Time Frames to filter list

It would be great to be able to customize the default list of time frames in the filter options. For example Prior 12 months Current month + prior 12 months It is true that these can be created as custom filters and even starred, but users tend to lo...

Infinite Scroll for Pivot Tables

Is there a way to have infinite scroll on Pivot tables, instead of pages? This is not available by default and was hoping this could be achieved via any scripts    

mirzay by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Resolved! Custom Column for Pivot

Hello all,  I am trying to create a custom column with the following conditions: IF ( (SUM([Sale Price])<361000, [Sale Price ]/1.2,  SUM([Sale Price ])),   (SUM([Sale Price])<450000, [Sale Price ]+21350/1.3,  SUM([Sale Price ])),  (SUM([Sale Price])>...

Yeg2023 by 7 - Data Storage
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Filter by two values on same widget

Anyone know how I can filter two values independently? In the chart below the first 4 bars are from my "days in R/I stage formula. The next 4 are related to the Insulation-Prime formula.Each formula has a filter built in to only look at jobs from the...

CLewis by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Custom Blox Filter for measure

Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to create a measure filter in my case customer spend filter, where the user can define a number and the views are filtered by it? so basically I want to filter my view for customers who spent more than XYZ num...

Show/Hide dashboard column button

I have a dashboard with 2 columns. I would like to have a button at the top that enables dashboard users to show/hide column 1. When column 1 is shown the column widths should be 40% for column 1 and 60% for column 2. When column 1 is hidden then the...

BIQ by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Jump to Dashboard feature limit

How can I hide the dashboard panel on the drill into dashboard however show the rows, values & columns in the expand widget view? Context: I'm using the Jump to Dashboard function on an indicator and restricting the dashboard panel from being display...

BIQ by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Question regarding multi node build

In the linux server, if we use multi servers, we want to build the cubes in one server and copy to the other serving nodes and attach the cubes.  We were doing it by copying the data folder in the Windows environment previously. Now we are upgrading ...

mjayaraman by 7 - Data Storage
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Preserving YTD after date filter applied

Hi, We are facing this. We have a pivot table with shows the total amount of a metric and the running sum form the begining of the year (YTD). This is working fine: Then, we want to apply a filter based on the date column, to show just a couple of m...

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