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Documentation on POST /shares

Hi, As part of our integrating with Sisense, we require to be able to share dashboards programatically with groups. When I invoke the share action through the Sisense UI, I can see it's making a POST to /shares.The documentation only has GET request ...

Resolved! Removing 1st and 2nd Row on CSV

Have a csv file that is being created out of a platform that adds a date created on the first row, blank 2nd, then the header, and data. Is there a way to remove the first 2 rows easily?

galos11 by 7 - Data Storage
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Blox - Search multiple filters at once

I have the following code, but it is only searching on the second filter and not the first. { "style": "", "script": "", "title": "", "titleStyle": [ { "backgroundColor": "#093e52", "backgroundImage": "...


Tabber Alignnment Issue

I am not able to see the cursor which will actually adjust the alignment between the widgets, the alignment is messing up after applying tabber for those particular sections!Is there any way to solve this? 

smadda by 7 - Data Storage
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Accessing custom columns/tables from Notebooks

I'm looking for ways to access custom columns/tables that are created within Elastic cube data models, from `Notebook` feature within Sisense. Context: We have a Sisense cloud accountWe have a Elastic cube (EC) model that is built from Snowflake data...

prakashp by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Customized Hover for Area Map

Hi, When hovered over a region/state in an Area map, can we add extra lines of details [column values] in the tooltip that pops-up after hovering? Also, it would really be helpful if we can achieve it for other chart type as well. Thanks!

Changing or Controlling Default Widget Type?

When creating a widget form scratch, I am placed into what we call the "wizard" mode for creating the widget. Since we don't get much value from wizard mode, we will first select an element from the data source, and then click "Advanced Configuration...

Hover script to display description

Hi,  In a Pivot table, we are displaying the IDs. The business would like to see the description when you hover over those IDs. For ex; I have Risk IDs from 1 to 4. When I hover over 1, it should display High Risk. Can anyone please help? Thank you!

Resolved! Number per year where a different date is within a year of the first

I was creating a dashboard for someone, and one of the widgets was a column chart that plotted out the number of people per year of hire. So, x-axis is the year of hire from left-to-right, then each column is the number of people who were hired that ...

Jake_Raz by 9 - Travel Pro
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Send claims from Auth0 to Sisense

I am using Auth0 as an SSO to connect to Sisense. However I want to send additional information from Auth0 which will be used to customize the dashboard according to the User. I tried setting additional claims using a post login action from Auth0. I ...

Nihar by 7 - Data Storage
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How do I add a conditional button to a BloX widget?

I'm slowly, through a lot of trial and error and a lot of help from you kind folks here in the Sisense Community, starting to get some kind of a grip on BloX. How to work with Conditional formatting or styling however (without resorting to external j...

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