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Resolved! Pivot Cell Styling inconsistent

I am having trouble getting the styling on table cells consistent on pivot tables. I am trying to get the line in the attached image between the 3rd and 4th columns all the way down but the styling seems to only apply to the last cell in a sub sectio...

Resolved! Add link to widget title

Hello, I have a requirement to add a URL to the widget title so the users will be redirected to a page that will give them more information about the widget data.  Can I achieve these 2 things for all widget types ?  NOTE :  I have already gone throu...

Lisha by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Using Blox action export widget data with dashboard filters

Hi Team, We are trying to export wdget data to xml, we have followed below link But we can see dashboard filters are not making any e...

Need Tooltip for Pivot table values

Hi Team,I need to add Tool Tip for Pivot table to showcase the values which i need to add additionally without adding the information into pivot table or widget. Please find the attachment for more details regarding the requirement. I need tool tip l...


What is the Sisense-recommended way for implementing pagination? We've seen a collection of community-suggested ways to "get pagination to work" in dashboards, BloX, etc –  but they frankly look like workarounds. We're looking for the official "Sisen...

Add description to Widget

Here is a method to add detailed information about the chart and data that will always appear at the bottom of a widget. Refer: Steps:   Create widget Add below script to widget. Update t...

harikm007_0-1657908270289.png harikm007_1-1657908365852.png
harikm007 by 13 - Data Warehouse
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Pivot Table Formatting to Highlight Entire Rows

Hi,  I am trying to create a Pivot table widget, where certain rows are highlighted containing words "Conditional" and "Pending".  These two data points are under a column named as "Status".    So far, I have come up with this but it seems to not wor...

Yeg2023 by 7 - Data Storage
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How to center align and create url action

Hi Team, I am getting the below output using blox code. I want to make below rectangular container to circle and center align and apply URL action to it.   { "style": "", "script": "", "title": "", "showCarousel": true, "body": [ { "type": "Contai...

tsaho8 by 7 - Data Storage
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Prevent dashboard filter after JTD

Hi Team, I am using below blox for JTD but after jump to dashboard, target dashboard filter getting disappeared. I want to keep  all the target dashboard filters as it is. I think its happening bcz in blox itself do not have any filters displayed. ki...

tsaho8 by 7 - Data Storage
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Changing variable names in hierarchies

Hi, I am trying to change the names of the variables in a hierarchy. I can change the name of the actual hierarchy but I can't figure out how change the variable (column) names. I could do this very simply on previous versions of Sisense but it doesn...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Scatter Plot Jitter

Has anyone been able to get jitter to work on a scatter plot? - This doesn't work.   widget.on('beforeviewloaded', function(widget,element,options){ var chartOptions = element.options; chartOptions...

mgkirsch by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Wrong range in dynamic buckets

hello I am using dynamic buckets to show number of customers in each spend range for the selected time period, I am using the dynamic bucket plugin. My issue is the highest bucket range i.e. 800 is wrong as the maximum spend I have in my view is 741 ...


Why is Blox so complicated?

Hi there, I think Blox is a great add-on to create customized and beautiful dashboards.But I need to leave out my frustration about Blox. From the perspective of user-friendliness, Blox is not really intuitive. No, it feels like is built to be the to...

Wantti by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Pie Chart with Multiple Values

I have a very specific use case to build a pie chart with multiple value labels. A rough example is below, but essentially the use case is to have a pie chart show the % based off one value, but then display a second metric below that.  Any thoughts...

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