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Knowledge Base Articles

Get ElastiCube from Process ID

Question I would like to be able to track memory consumption of my ElastiCubes, but I can't find an easy way to link the process ID of  my ElastiCube to the cube name. Answer If you open the Task Manager, go to the Details tab and right-click on o...


Consortium Data By Masking Sensitive Values

Question Some organizations provide Sisense to their clients as part of their business offering. Some of these organizations would like also to provide clients with the consortium data derived from Sisense - a single ElastiCube where clients submit ...

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LAG / LEAD Functions

Question LAG & LEAD Functions are functions that give access to multiple rows within a table, without the need for a self-join. The LAG function is used to access data from a previous row, while the LEAD function is used to return data from rows fur...

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Lookup With Two Conditions

Question How to do a lookup using two conditions (i.e., pulling project number on a unique equipment for a specific day)? Answer You can only use one field as the key field in Lookup function. So, it is better to create a combined key (using conca...

How to see the latest date in the Pivot?

Question: How to see the latest date in the Pivot? Answer: You need to change the date to an integer. Then I used the script in the comments in a previous post, and was able to request results. This is the script we used var m_names = new Array("J...


Filter Oldest Date For Each Product In A Pivot Table

Question: I'm attempting to select the First Time (day) each product in a list was ordered. Example:Product A | 10/10/2018Product A | 10/30/2018Product B | 09/01/2016Product B | 10/10/2018Result: Product A | 10/10/2018Product B | 09/01/2016 Answer...

Object Count By Limiting Object Entries

Question: I have a list of items that have multiple date-oriented entries. I have a numerical field that indicates days since last scan, so I can filter based on the lowest number of days per item. What I am trying to do is count the number of items...


Custom/Starred Filters Not Appearing On Shared Dashboards

Question: I have created a custom starred filter, however, when i go to a different account that is not the admin, this does not appear on the date filter. Answer: Designers should be able to view starred filters when dashboards are republished, b...

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How To Count Number Of Records Below/About MEDIAN/AVG

Question: I'm looking for a way to count number of records below and above median/AVG. Answer: Step 1: Add all category columns (Country, City, ID) to the Rows panel.Step 2: Add a column under the Value panel that calculates the total amount. The ...

How Can I Replace A Dashboard By ID?

Question: I have a dashboard that is referred to via a static Web page. I've developed a replacement dashboard but I want it to have the same exact object id number as its predecessor. So, I want to overwrite a dashboard ID with a completely differe...

Custom Date Filter "Since"

Question: I am looking for a solution to filter my data based on time period. I currently have data going back to 2016, but I want to filter it to show only entries for 04/2019 until today.  Answer: You can do this with a custom-filter. Add your d...

Filter Field Where Value Contain Word

Question: Is there any kind of way that allows me to filter a field based on "contains word" criteria. Answer: You can set such a thing as a filter on a dashboard, widget, or formula on any dashboard JAQL syntax { "contains": "mm" } You can also ...

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How to Filter A Formula By A Number

Question: Currently, when creating a formula at the widget level, you can filter the formula but by a text field only. How can I filter the formula by the numeric field?  For example, this is helpful when creating a percent of total calculation -- I...


Calculate non unique values

Question: I have an example of data below. I want to be able to get a count of the Unique Member ID's that have more than 1 different confirmation number tied to it. So in the simple example below that number would be 1. Member 55555 has 3 entries, ...


Use Date Inside Pivot Value Cell

Question: How can I use the date in the Pivot values? Answer: You can follow these steps: 1. Convert the date into an Integer with this chunk of SQL: GETYEAR([Date])*10000 +GETMONTH([Date])*100 +GETDAY([Date])   2. After you have an Integer repre...

How to send emails to Gmail groups

Question: I am trying to send scheduled reports to Gmail groups. Is it a possible option if so how can this be achieved?  Answer: Email recipients must have a user account in Sisense in order to receive dashboard emails. There are a few possibl...

Resizing SVI (System Volume Information)

Question: Sometimes your server might run out of space on because the SVI (System Volume Information) is eating up all memory.   The system volume information is used in windows in order to save information related to system restore which is used wh...

Automatic Import Of Your Active Directory Groups And Users

Question: How can I automate the AD import? For those of us who are using active directory, it might be a tedious process to import all of the relevant groups and users from it to Sisense. Answer: We have written a Python script which does that fo...
