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Live Model slow despite filtering

SUMMARY:My Live Model is slow. Source data is big, but a dashboard filter picks just one item, so I think it can be fast. This feels like a common use case for a Live Model.DETAIL:My dashboard is based on a live model that queries SQL Server. The use...

Tim by 10 - ETL
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Exporting to PDF

Hi All,I was wondering if anyone could help. I want to create a report from a dashboard. I am adding in text in the form of box along with charts and tables and have a few questions on formatting.I want to have an A4 document but every time I try and...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Disable minimum zoom for scatter map

I am using scatter map widget to show multiple points on widget. I want to support minimum zoom on scatter map. Right now after zooming out widget shows three world maps. Is there any way I can change it show just one word map?

Heat Map Formatting and Legend Bug

Hey! Does anyone know how to:1. Know how to get rid of all the white space at the top of this widget? 2. Know how to widen the first column with the headers? 3. A work-around for the bug on the legend where it breaks anytime a filter is touched?  Tha...

gwolfe by 10 - ETL
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Re-Order Pivot table Items

Hi, I have a pivot table where there are various areas listed 1-15 but it will order it by the first number in the series ie. 1, 10, 11, 2 , 3Is there a way around this so it will read 1, 2 , 3... 10 , 11 

Juandres by 8 - Cloud Apps
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customize widget backround and header

dashboard.on('widgetinitialized', (el, args) => {$('widget-header').css('background-color', '#E8E8E8').css('font-weight', 'bold');$('.widget-title__holder').css('font-size', '16px');});

Rank based on each month

Hi @Angelina_QBeeQ ,I want to set the rank independently for each month based on measure.Rank logic: RANK([Overall Vol],"1224",[l3_demand],[Months in contact_date])As per below sc, rank shd be 1,2,3....for Mar and similarly 1,2,3...for Feb and so on....

tsaho8 by 7 - Data Storage
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Conditionally format a measure based on another measure

Sometimes we would like to color code a measure (A) not by its performance rather by another measure's (B) performance. The problem is that when applying the conditional formatting on measure A, the measure A is static in the equation. To work around...

Ido_QBeeQ by 9 - Travel Pro
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Display widget in tooltip

By default values and labels are displayed in tooltip. Also its possible to add additional information to tooltip by using script . Sometimes it would be more helpful to display a widget as tooltip (Reference) Steps: Create base chart - the chart ...

harikm007 by 13 - Data Warehouse
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Resolved! Column Chart - Change the Default Column Width

When creating a column chart, you may want to control the width of the columns. To do so add the following script to your column widget: const newWidth = 5widget.on('domready', function(widget) { try { console.log('DOM Ready script starting (wid=...

Ophir_Buchman_0-1646734484089.png Ophir_Buchman_1-1646734496701.png 83227784_3726975083979609_8570336295451099136_n[1].jpg

How to link data to the blox

Hi Team, Could you please help me to understand how can I link my column values in the blox code. As per the below code I want to display Revenue in the dashboard but getting    { "style": "", "titleStyle": [ { "display": ...

tsaho8 by 7 - Data Storage
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Change Blox Dynamic Pivot Table Header

I have created a Blox Dynamic Pivot Table that I have transposed so that the columns are months and the rows are calculated values. I would now like to update the table so that the month displayed in each column is actually the next month (e.g., Apri...

ebambury by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Changing fontsize in pivot2 breaks PDF-export

Hey,So I used the following widgetscript to alter the font in a pivot-table. In the dashboard these alterations are visible, however when exporting it to PDF the pages are all blank. widget.transformPivot( {}, function (metadata, cell) { cell...

HamzaJ by 12 - Data Integration
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