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Knowledge Base Articles

Turning zeroes to blanks/empty cell when Zero

Symptoms Sometimes with a pivot table full of many columns with zero and only a few non-zero values, you want the zeroes to display as empty-string.  That way the nonzero values really stand out. (This is the opposite of this:  Solved: nulls to 0 in...

DRay by Community Team Leader
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Migrating Blox Custom Actions

Migrating Blox Custom Actions   When relocating Sisense resources from one server to another, the Sisense Rest API is a possible method for transferring Sisense components and objects like dashboards, users, groups, and data sources. Similarly, Blo...

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Plugin - HideChartTypeByGroup

Plugin - Hide Widget Type in Chart Type Dropdown From User Groups   This plugin hides widget types from the widget selection dropdown menu, for user groups set in the config of the plugin. The widget types hidden are set in the config. Widgets o...

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Sync Blox Input Element with Current Filter State

Sync Blox Input Element with Current Filter State When creating a Blox widget and altering a filter within a dashboard or widget, it is sometimes advantageous to modify the default behavior, so that upon activating a Blox action, the Blox widget in...

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Dynamic Timeframe in Sisense BloX

Dynamic Timeframe in Sisense BloX Analytical Need Understanding the timeframe scope of the data is crucial for contextualizing the dashboard, or report, accurately. Sisense generally accomplishes this by reflecting the timeframe scope within the fil...


“Production line” Status Indicators - Dynamic BloX Widget

“Production line” Status Indicators - Dynamic BloX Widget     Introduction This article explains how to set up and use an example Blox widget that creates a dynamic visual representation of a "production line".  This widget was developed for a manuf...

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GuyLevin by Sisense Team Member
  • 1 kudos

Dynamic Dimension/Value Chart

Version: 1.1 Download the plugin attached Introduction This article explains how to install and configure the Dynamic Dim/Value Chart plugin as seen below.  The Dynamic Dim/Value chart allow Dashboard designers to predefine multiple dimension and/or...

intapiuser by Community Team Member
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Modifying Email Report URLs

Introduction When embedding Sisense in a parent application, there will be a need to route email reports to your parent application dashboard URL. For example, when a customer will load a dashboard in the embedded application, the dashboard URL migh...

intapiuser by Community Team Member
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