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Forum Posts

showing excluded filters in sisense sdk

Hi, I am working on some functionality where I want to reset t the default filters on every page refresh so to achieve this I am added applyFilter() in sisense sdk implementation but it is only taking active filters in members array it does not show ...

mightGuy22 by 7 - Data Storage
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How to export Dashboard/Widgets to CSV automatically?

Hi, I have a requirement to send a dashboard/ widget in CSV format to user on a daily basis. Sisense subscription only allows PDF & Embedded in email format. And API's also don't support CSV format. Is there any way to achieve this other than Report ...

prajwal by 7 - Data Storage
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Resolved! Using Rest API to export a widget with filters

Hello, I can't figure out how to apply a filter to the export widget png REST API endpoint.  I.E  /dashboards/{dashboardId}/widgets/{id}/export/png. When looking at the request parameters for that endpoint, I'm only seeing authorization, dashboardId,...

Scooby0344 by 7 - Data Storage
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Formula for counting the views per user

Sisense provides our company with a usage analytics model. now what i want is to count the total number of views per user ? like how many times they have seen a dashboard? how do i do this ?  i tried to do count all like DUPCOUNT [Userid] , but this ...

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vish1996 by 7 - Data Storage
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Resolved! widget events firing too soon when embedded with sisense.js

I've added script to a blox widget on domready event that  attaches a mouseover event to every blox slides. When the widget is embedded in an iFrame, the domready finds the slides. But when I am embedding the widget using sisense.v1.js, no slides are...

antho686 by 7 - Data Storage
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Resolved! NLQ on Embedding

Hello there, Hope everyone's doing good. I just want to check if it is possible to access NLQ (Simply Ask) when a Widget/Dashboard is embedded on a web application. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks and Regards, Aditya.

adityak by 7 - Data Storage
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Left Outer Join Plugin

Hi all, I've installed the plugin from here:https://support.sisense.com/kb/en/article/include-all-dimension-values-left-outer-join This does what I want in that it shows all dimensions including ones with no values. Two issues I have are that it brea...

andrew by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Resolved! Regarding manipulating a text in widget.

We have a scenario that we had a label plugin where it declare all the label item whatever we give in panel .The output displayed is in label form ,So our scenario is to change the label content irrespective of output we got , anything related to our...

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Row level data security using Rest API

I want to fix row level data security using REST API for all the elastic cubes I would be creating. Can someone help me with the exact parameters and REST API request that I need to use?

Exporting Pivot table to CSV

So i have conditional formatting in a pivot table and when exporting the pivot table to csv or excel, the color is not retained for the conditional formatting. How can i solve this so the formatting is retained when exporting?

tkrish08 by 7 - Data Storage
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Resolved! Embed ppt/ slideshow inside a widget

Is there a way to insert ppt/slideshow inside a widget? The basic purpose is to serve user a stepwise guide in the form of images. Please let us know if there is an alternate solution to this.