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Client Specific Custom Fields - Dynamic Field Names (Metadata Translator)

8 - Cloud Apps
8 - Cloud Apps

Hello, our clients create their own custom fields and I would like to display them in Sisense with their client-specific names. I have followed the directions in this article implementing the Metadata Translator but the documentation about the plugin has been removed and I am having difficulty getting it to work.

Is anyone successfully using the Metadata Translator plugin? Any tips on how you got it to work?

Or know of any other solutions for dynamic field names? 

Thanks in advance!


8 - Cloud Apps
8 - Cloud Apps

Hi Vrice,

so metadata documentation has been moved here  . As for the solution there might be a different ways to achieve that as well so I'd like to suggest a quick call to discuss this. Feel free to reach out to us at 

Best Regards,

Michael Becker 

9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

Hi @vrice 

Handling Custom Fields with different meanings between clients is a big challenge in the BI Realm.

As we've successfully helped several of our clients in their challenges, we're planning a detailed guide around the topic but it is still early in the process so I'll do my best to assist here and feel free to reach out if you require further assistance. 


Working with the metadata plugin

- In the link below you can find a link to the new documentation of the plugin
- In the link below you can find a good code sample that demonstrates how to use the plugin from the coding perspective. 
Piece of advice: You'll see that there might be some scenarios that you'll need to find a "work around" to a specific translation case. Adding spaces to differentiate between different strings when needed is surprisingly working pretty good.   

Biggest Challenge - Shared Dashboard Between Clients 

- When your clients are sharing the same dashboard (by following the multi-tenancy best practice), they often want to filter their dashboards based on their custom fields or make use of dynamically switch dimensions by using BloX or plugins like the Switchable Dimensions   
- This causes a problem as you'll need to add all the available custom field to dashboard and clients would often see irrelevant dimensions. Potentially many irrelevant dimensions. 

Solution - Client Side Customization

- The way to overcome these kinds of challenges is to develop a plugin that would dynamically add/remove dimensions based on the logged in user. 
- Alternatively, you can use our premium marketplace plugins like the Filters Catalog and the Dim Switcher who support this behavior out of the box (in addition to some other nifty related tricks) 
Feel free to reach out if you need some guidance on how to operate the metadata plugin or other related chalanages. We're always happy help (: 
Paldi Solutions - Number #1 Sisense Plugins Developer