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We would like the ability to export table widget data to Excel.  While CSV is supported, we have had customer complaints because they format in the CSV file and forget to save as Excel, losing the work they've done.  We prefer this is a Sisense feature over use of a plugin as plugins require additional operational overhead to maintain and upgrade.

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

This has been discussed extensively by the product team, and there are no plans to include this in the roadmap at this time.

However, I am going to leave this post open to gather more votes and comments. Maybe we will see it included in a future release!

@DRay We too have received customer complaints, where they would like to have table widgets exported in excel. Currently for table widgets, we can only do csv and the only way to have a table widget export as csv is scheduling the report via report manger and using combined_excel format.  It will be useful to allow this feature of export as excel from Sisense.