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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to remove headers on a widget

I have previously seen this post on the community regarding removing a header from a widget but the solutions have either been removed in terms of plugins or the code provided does not work.

Astroraf by 9 - Travel Pro
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Resolved! How to filter chart categories

I am new to Sisense, trying to build a simple chart where categories from datamodel need to be filtered before usage in x-axis I understand it can be filtered by values but I want to filter the table based on another column in same table example : De...

mosta2 by 7 - Data Storage
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Resolved! Setting up SAML 2.0 for a specific tenant

I have two tenants (system tenant and a new one created).I believe that under: Admin > Security & Access > Single Sign On, the General configuration applies only for the system tenant (default one), however, I need to set up a different SAML 2.0 data...

alejandro by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Resolved! Drilling into a new style widget

Does anyone know of a way to drill into one style of widget, and turn the drill to widget into a new style? For example, drilling into a bar of a bar graph and displaying a pivot table of names from a list. Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks!

Resolved! Adjust Blox Height, Width, and Margin

I am trying to adjust the height, widget, and margin of my BloX widget, but it doesn't seem to work with the code I have. The code for the editor:{       "style": "",        "script": "",         "title": "",         "showCarousel": true,          "s...

Astroraf by 9 - Travel Pro
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Resolved! Sum for new date

Hello,Does someone know if in the reporting there is an fx that can calculate an new date, so as I can make in excel =date(today + 21 days) = 21-june-2024is that possible can someone help me?

Resolved! Switchable Break By Plugin/Widget/Script

 I have a Bar Chart that is Revenue per past 12 months. I have 5-6 different fields that my users want to view revenue over the past 12 month “Broken by” or “categoried” by Meaning, lets try a stacked area chart, or a column chart etc… they want the ...

Drill To Buttons

our userss have complained that having to teach people how to right click and find the drill feature, they'd instead like a button at the top of the visual where they can click and it applies the drill function. i'm sure there is a jaql query or impl...


Resolved! Horizontal scroll on Table Widget

Hello, I am working with a client's dashboard and trying to get a horizontal scroll bar to appear on a table widget. I have tried this code:dashboard.on('widgetready', (el, args) => { $('.p-mid', 'widget[widgetid=' + args.widget.oid + ']').scroll...

Astroraf by 9 - Travel Pro
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Resolved! Sunburst Chart issue

Hello everyone,I want to use a Sunburst widget in order to show a breakdown based on 2 dimensions.What we realized is that Sunburst is not clickable when enabling "Widget affects dashboard filters".Has anyone managed to use it and make it clickable? ...

MikeGre by 9 - Travel Pro
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