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Vertical Grey Dividers

8 - Cloud Apps
8 - Cloud Apps

I have a dashboard that is embedded into a website. In the Sisense dashboard, I do not see vertical grey lines between my horizontal widgets. When the dashboard is embedded, grey lines appear and divide the widgets (see image below).

There are four similar dashboards, but this issue only appears on one. I am using BLOX to create the widgets. I did find the following in the configuration section of the design tab for the widget:

"separator": {
"lineThickness": 1,
"lineColor": "#eeeeee"
#eeeee is grey, but does not appear to be the same shade of grey. This json appears in the configuration of the other widgets as well so I do not believe that is tied to the vertical lines seen in the website. 

Looking for advice on trouble shooting this in Sisense or direction on if there is a step between creating the dashboard and the client pushing it to the website that will remove those vertical lines. hkoerner_1-1677209244494.png



9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

Hi @KHConsult ,

Please use this script

dashboard.on('widgetready',function(d) {
//$('.dashboard-layout-subcell-vertical-divider') .css('background-color','#ffffff')




Thank you for providing this. Where would I add this? In the Blox widget Editor tab, Blox widget Configuration tab, or would I go to 'edit script' from within the widget?

9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

Hi @KHConsult ,


Please add the script in dashboard editor tab.


