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Transforming Decision-Making: Real-Time Insights for Competitive Advantage

In the dynamic realm of modern business intelligence, real-time reporting has emerged as a pivotal force reshaping the landscape. While traditional approaches often involved generating static dashboards and reports linked to databases refreshed daily or less frequently, the advent of real-time reporting has opened new vistas of opportunity. While this approach remains important in many scenarios, there are instances where real-time insights can provide a competitive edge and drive better decision-making.

Traditional vs. Real-Time Reporting

Imagine a scenario in warehouse management where operational efficiency is paramount. Traditional reporting methods often fail to detect underutilized stations until the next day's data refresh. This delay in identifying performance issues can result in reduced productivity and missed opportunities for immediate corrective action. However, the adoption of real-time reporting using tools like Sisense introduces a paradigm shift in how businesses can harness the power of data.

A Case Study in Warehouse Management

To emphasize the impact of real-time reporting, consider this example that vividly demonstrates how our stakeholders from the Warehouse Management team stand to benefit significantly.

In this case study, the focal point is the integration of real-time Sisense reporting within warehouse management operations. The data flow originates from warehouse management systems and ultimately populates a data lake that undergoes daily updates. This data forms the basis for constructing comprehensive Sisense dashboards that illuminate the operational performance of different warehouse stations, delving down into the granular performance of individual pickers.

The drawback of relying solely on daily data refreshes becomes evident when considering the impact of underutilized stations. Traditionally, declining station performance might go unnoticed until the next day. For the sake of argument, if station XYZ were to underperform by 1% at the 5th hour of a 12-hour shift, in a traditional set-up, this issue would only be picked up by the dashboard the following day due to the nature of data refresh. This means that by the end of the shift, there would be a 7% decline in the overall performance of the station.

To mitigate this, the proposition to employ Sisense Live models gained traction. With live models and dashboards, underperforming stations can be detected immediately, thereby enabling prompt countermeasures. This approach prevents stations from underperforming for a prolonged period, preserving overall performance from dropping.

Harnessing Sisense Live Models

The implementation of real-time reporting involves leveraging Sisense Live models, which enable the creation of dashboards with minimal delays. To achieve this, a prerequisite is to have a data source providing real-time data. Once connected, Sisense's live model seamlessly integrates with the data source, enabling dynamic visualization of data in real time. Additionally, Sisense allows widgets to be set to auto-refresh at specified intervals, making it possible to display these dashboards on factory floors for live monitoring.

One key advantage of real-time reporting is enhancing situational awareness and enabling proactive decision-making. By displaying real-time dashboards on factory floors, supervisors and employees can monitor performance at a glance. Additionally, this live monitoring is further augmented by pulse alerts, which provide instant notifications for critical changes or anomalies in performance. For instance, when a station's efficiency drops below a certain threshold, it triggers an alert, enabling immediate intervention.

Caching Periods and Sisense Live Models

One major challenge we encountered is related to the caching period for Sisense Live Models. Currently, the caching period of live models is set for the whole instance, which removes flexibility when different caching periods are required, such as for exceptionally large models. For example, we have a table that must be ingested via a live connection as it is too large for ElastiCubes. However, we wouldn't want the caching period for this live connection to be too "low" as it would incur high costs through AWS. Conversely, a low caching period is desired for warehouse management low latency reporting, as explained above. We are exploring options and will update the thread once we have identified a solution.

In conclusion, real-time reporting is revolutionizing the field of business intelligence, and the warehouse management case study highlights its tangible impact on operational efficiency and productivity. By leveraging tools like Sisense, businesses can transition from reactive to proactive decision-making, ensuring that performance issues are promptly identified and addressed. As the business landscape continues to evolve, real-time reporting stands as a crucial tool for those seeking to stay ahead in a fast-paced world.

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