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It would be good to be able to export data to Excel from the Dashboard menu.

Currently, one dashboard containing 3 widget requires to go to each widget and export to Excel, resulting in 3 diffrente Excel spreadsheets.

Users are requesting to be able to export every widget data into one single Excel file / each data widget in one seperated tab.

This features exists in ReportManager, so it is difficult to understand why it is not available from the dashboard view.

Thank you and regards,


Status changed to: Needs Info

Hi @fschleich.

Thank you for your feedback! 

Just to make sure I'm clear on the request here; you want the features from Report Manager to be added into out-of-the-box Sisense. Is that correct?

Hi @DRay 

No, no. I am not asking to include ReportManager features in the out-of-the-box Sisense.

I am asking to add the option "Excel (all dashboard widgets into a single file)" in the Dashboard menu / "Download" option, along with "Download PDF" and "Dowload Image" (see screen copy below)


Hoping this clarify my request.

Thank you

Hi @fschleich.

That does help, thank you. The issue I see is that Dashboards can have many Widgets on them, and trying to export all of them at once could hit resource constraints pretty quickly. Running the queries for all the data in all the Widgets, plus actually creating the .csv, the job can get real big, real fast. Sisense isn't designed to be a data exfiltration tool at that scale. I will bring it up with the product team, I'm just mentioning some reasons why it may not happen. 

What if when exporting the whole Dashboard, it exports an individual .csv file for each Widget? Maybe the files would be combined into .zip before being made available for download. What do you think?

I understand the concerns regarding the overload, but the export in a single excel file option already exists in the premium plugin ReportManager. So why wouldn’t it be possible in Sisense ?
The option to export every data in many csv files would also be good to have, and by the way it already exists in ReportManager as well.
Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hi @fschleich,

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details.

We encourage people to continue to vote and comment. We use community interest as one of the ways we prioritize efforts, so every vote and comment can help turn a request into a reality.

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!