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Knowledge Base Articles

How to Display Images in Sisense Blox Dashboard

How to Display Images in Sisense Blox DashboardSummaryThis article guides how to display images in the Sisense Blox dashboard. It addresses common issues related to image paths and offers solutions for using both external and internal image sources.S...

BloX Template - Search box to filter 2 dimensions

BloX Template - Search box to filter 2 dimensions  This article provides a BloX template for the use case when you need a search box to be able to filter 2 dimensions at once. This solution is based on a custom action developed. See the guide for re...

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Liliia_DevX by Sisense Team Member
  • 1 kudos

BloX Template: Title & Details

Introduction: The Title & Details template contains a styled title, followed by 4 key-value sets, providing additional information.   It can be used as an informative title, especially in drilling dashboards that describe individual subjects, such ...

intapiuser by Community Team Member
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BloX Template: Home Page

BloX Template: Home PageIntroductionThe Blox Home Page template allows the dashboard designers to incorporate KPIs as a card widget. Each card can be treated as a visual summary of the dashboard it is referring to.As an example, the TOTAL AMOUNT card...

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shubhamgoel by Sisense Team Member
  • 2 kudos

Migrating Blox Custom Actions

Migrating Blox Custom Actions   When relocating Sisense resources from one server to another, the Sisense Rest API is a possible method for transferring Sisense components and objects like dashboards, users, groups, and data sources. Similarly, Blo...

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BloX - Date and Timestamp Range Filter

Sisense doesn't currently support filtering on timestamps natively. This article shows how we can leverage BloX to work around this limitation and allow users to select a date and timestamp range to filter their dashboards. (This is an updated versio...

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TriAnthony by Community Team Member
  • 1 kudos

How to use JumpToDashboard in a Blox widget

How to use JumpToDashboard in a Blox widget This article explains how to use a JumpToDashboard within a Blox widget.  We’ll use a default template “Indicator Right” as an example to implement the JumpToDashboard action within the button.  First, let...

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Sync Blox Input Element with Current Filter State

Sync Blox Input Element with Current Filter State When creating a Blox widget and altering a filter within a dashboard or widget, it is sometimes advantageous to modify the default behavior, so that upon activating a Blox action, the Blox widget in...

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Dynamic Timeframe in Sisense BloX

Dynamic Timeframe in Sisense BloX Analytical Need Understanding the timeframe scope of the data is crucial for contextualizing the dashboard, or report, accurately. Sisense generally accomplishes this by reflecting the timeframe scope within the fil...


BloX Write Back Form to a Source Database

BloX Write Back Form to a Source Database Sisense BloX Database Writeback This guide demonstrates setting up a simple BloX widget to enable front-end users to write data back to the database. While this guide specifically uses AWS lambda to execute ...

“Production line” Status Indicators - Dynamic BloX Widget

“Production line” Status Indicators - Dynamic BloX Widget     Introduction This article explains how to set up and use an example Blox widget that creates a dynamic visual representation of a "production line".  This widget was developed for a manuf...

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GuyLevin by Sisense Team Member
  • 1 kudos