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BloX Template: Jumbotron

Introduction: The Jumbotron template mimics Bootstrap's  Jumbotron element and suggests an elegant and actionable header. Installation Instructions: 1. Download the attached template 2. Extract the json file into your BloX template directory:   C:\...

intapiuser by Community Team Member
  • 0 kudos

BloX Template: Gradient Title Bar Indicator

The Gradient color in bar/column/line/area chart script contains a styled title bar of 3 KPI with a gradient background. Installation Instructions: 1. Download the attached template 2. Extract the json file into your BloX template directory: C:\Pro...

intapiuser by Community Team Member
  • 0 kudos

How to create a Pop Ups

Question How can I trigger a popup every time I open a dashboard using BloX or JS, as shown in the picture?     Answer You already have the code for the popup itself then you can easily wrap it as a plugin and use the "dashboardLoaded" event to tr...


Any Way To Hide Carousel Navigator Arrows?

Question When using the Indicator Sparkling template, once I add an Item (dimension) for the sparkline, the carousel navigator arrows appear. Since they are not needed, I would like to hide them.  Is there a way to do that? Answer You can use the ...

Set Default Carousel "Index" To Value Of Filter

Question Is there a way to set the default panel of the BLOX widget to the month that is currently set in the FilterDash month? That was when a user loads the page, they don't get confused by the mixed messages of BloX vs rest of widgets? Answer Y...

BloX Widget On Click

Question I am trying to make it a widget button and switch the dashboard once it was clicked. Is there a way to achieve it? Answer You can use this script. It uses the standard BloX OpenURL action and will build and style a web page opening button...

Custom Action To Scroll-Down To A Specific Widget

Question Would it be possible to add a scroll to a widget location action? So I have a top panel that has an action of: "navigate to Actions widget"? Answer You'll need to create a custom action and include something like:  var elmnt =

Use BloX Script In PDF

Question When applying the script in BloX - the change is not applied in PDF. The example of the script:   This looks fine in the BloX editor, Dashboard, and PDF preview:   But the script is not applied to the exported PDF: Answer Replacing the...

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Custom Script For Blox Panel Name

Question Is there a way to tie a default filter (set to "all") so that instead of Blox just displaying the top name in from the data, it triggers a custom phrase instead (like "Aggregate")? Answer Here's a simple way to do something of the kind!  ...

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JS Charting Gauge in Blox

Question How can I create a Charting Gauge in Blox? Answer You will need 5 items; A field for indicating the pointer-value. In the example the number in the middle and the yellow markerGauge minimumGauge maximumOne and Two indicate the chart inte...


How to add "Turn on/off" toggle for grand totals

Question: Viewers don't have the ability to show and hide grand totals which I want them to be able to do. Is it possible to achieve with Blox functionality? Answer: The pivot widget's "style" attribute includes settings for grand totals, and you ...
