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Forum Posts

Switchable Dimensions with Datetime

Hello Everyone, I am trying to use Switchable Dimensions on a line chart with a datetime table. The objective is to switch from yearly, monthly, and quarterly timeframes using switchable dimensions. In Sisense's documentation, they give an example th...

Models have empty datasets

Summary:Feature request / bug report: When change dataset, delete unused datasets.Details:When I look at my .smodel files, I notice they have extra datasets that are empty. For example, in the dataset JSON below notice "tables": [].The reason is that...

Tim by 11 - Data Pipeline
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Community Content Spotlight

Content you missed that you never planned on reading

Updated: Feb 13th
  1. Blog: TreviPay’s Best Practice Journey
  2. KB Doc: Plugin – RemoveImageDownload – Removing Items From Sisense Menus
  3. Sisense Academy: Welcome to Sisense
  4. Sisense Docs: Explanations: Identify Reasons for Changes in Your Data
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