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When I sort cubes in descending order and then click into a cube and come back to the list view I lose sorting. This can be annoying/frustrating. Can you make it so that my sorting remains until I change it?

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hi @gwolfe,

Thank you for submitting your idea!

I have brought this Idea to the product team and will post updates here as they are available.

One of the ways we prioritize development efforts is by community interest. I encourage other users to vote and comment on this suggestion. The more engagement a request receives, the higher the likelihood of it being considered for implementation.

Thank you for being a valuable part of our community!

To confirm, you mean the "Data Sources" tab, where the cubes/live data sources are listed, yes?

I too have wished for it to preserve the selection (All, Recent, etc.) and sorting option.  Especially since the table itself doesn't allow for right-click-open-in-new-window, which would be the workaround for the sorting to keep resetting itself.