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Status: Needs Info

"Analyse SQL" helped me understand some widget measure formulas and filters. I wanted to then experiment with it in Sisense's "SQL Runner", but that didn't work: the query is too large, and it uses strange names for tables and columns (aFactXwAaSaleXwAaorders for the table Fact_Sale_orders, and aCountryCode for the CountryCode column).

It'd be helpful if you modified SQL Runner and/or Analyse SQL so that I can paste results, edit, and run them.

The purpose to help me investigate questions such as "How does this filter affect my measure?" or "What does my colleague's horribly convoluted measure formula mean, why is it wrong, and how might I fix it?" or "Is my widget doing unexpected joins?". I'd like this as a tool for myself and to recommend to colleagues.


hey @Tim ,

Reading the SQL sometimes can be confusing as the SQL contain nested select and also D Tables (which are tables that translate String Keys into integer). 

I do suggest to review the Query Plan Analyzer for analyzing the Query flow.

Best Regards

Hi @Tim,

Does the Query Plan Analyzer work for you?

I looked at "Analyse SQL" and at "Query Plan Analyser". Both are useful. In this case, they helped me confirm that a widget-measure-filter's "having" clause is applied after the various measures and dimensions have been grouped. But that's not my request.


My feature request is that I want to run the SQL in the SQL Editor. I'm not sure of all the use cases, but here are some ideas:

  • Check the "raw" results of the query.
  • Run a subquery. E.g. "My widget isn't showing row X. Is that because the 'having' clause excludes it, or was it never in my measure's subquery?"
  • Edit the query. E.g. "I know the SQL formula I want for my measure. I'll try it in the SQL query to see if it behaves as expected within the filters/dimensions I'm using. Then I'll build it in my Sisense measure."
  • To read a measure formula in a more familiar language.
  • Other - It helps me develop and debug if I can run some code like this.


Some colleagues are familiar with SQL but new to Sisense. I think they'd feel a more comfortable if "they can see exactly what the query is doing", and even more comfortable if they can run some SQL to check how it behaves. Some might even write a formula in SQL and ask me to help them translate it into Sisense, which would be an excellent learning experience.

Hi @Tim,

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details.

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