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How do I remove the white box to right of my blox widget

7 - Data Storage
7 - Data Storage

I am building a dashboard in Sisense, and have been tasked with the request to have the dashboard have dark mode version. On the right of all of my Blox widgets there is a white bar that I cannot remove. Does anyone know how to remove the bar in the attached image? Below is my widget script, and the configuration for the blox widget.




Editor for Blox:

"style": "",
"script": "",
"title": "",
"titleStyle": [
"display": "none"
"showCarousel": false,
"body": [],
"actions": [
"type": "JTD",
"title": "NPS History",
"data": {
"dashboardId": "6303e1af1adcdf00397d2b3c",
"args": {
"displayDashboardsPane": false,
"displayFilterPane": false,
"drilledDashboardDisplayType": 2


Configuration for blox:

"fontFamily": "Open Sans",
"fontSizes": {
"default": 14,
"small": 16,
"medium": 20,
"large": 50,
"extraLarge": 32
"fontWeights": {
"default": 500,
"light": 100,
"bold": 1000
"containerStyles": {
"default": {
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"foregroundColors": {
"default": {
"normal": "#000000"
"white": {
"normal": "#ffffff"
"grey": {
"normal": "#5C6372"
"orange": {
"normal": "#f2B900"
"yellow": {
"normal": "#ffcb05"
"black": {
"normal": "#000000"
"lightGreen": {
"normal": "#3ADCCA"
"green": {
"normal": "#54a254"
"red": {
"normal": "#dd1111"
"accent": {
"normal": "#2E89FC"
"good": {
"normal": "#54a254"
"warning": {
"normal": "#e69500"
"attention": {
"normal": "#cc3300"
"imageSizes": {
"default": 40,
"small": 40,
"medium": 80,
"large": 160
"imageSet": {
"imageSize": "medium",
"maxImageHeight": 100
"actions": {
"color": "white",
"backgroundColor": "#54a254",
"maxActions": 5,
"spacing": "extraLarge",
"buttonSpacing": 20,
"actionsOrientation": "horizontal",
"actionAlignment": "center",
"showCard": {
"actionMode": "inline",
"inlineTopMargin": 16,
"style": "default"
"spacing": {
"default": 5,
"small": 20,
"medium": 60,
"large": 20,
"extraLarge": 40,
"padding": 0
"separator": {
"lineThickness": 1,
"lineColor": "#eeeeee"
"factSet": {
"title": {
"size": "default",
"color": "default",
"weight": "bold",
"warp": true
"value": {
"size": "default",
"color": "default",
"weight": "default",
"warp": true
"spacing": 20
"supportsInteractivity": true,
"imageBaseUrl": "",
"height": 63
Widget Script:

Welcome to your Widget's Script.

To learn how you can access the Widget and Dashboard objects, see the online documentation at

widget.on('ready', function(se, ev){
$(element).css('background-color','#000000'); //changes the widget's background
$('widget-header' ,element).css('background-color','#000000'); //changes the widget's title background

widget.on('processresult', function(widget, query) {

opMap = widget.indicatorInstance._optionsMap["numericSimple"];

// Read Primary Title Text
console.log('Primary Title Caption: ' + query.result.title.text);

// Override Primary Title Color

// Override Primary Title Font Size (see font section)
opMap.title.fontSizes["big"] = 20

// Override Primary Title Font Style
opMap.title.fontStyle = 'italic'
opMap.title.fontWeight = 'bold'
