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Many customers are asking to enable two-factor authentication. It will be a very important security enhancement.



Hello @jirazazabal - can you elaborate on the need?  Most Sisense customers integrate their SSO-provider to accomplish what you are asking for.  Is there a reason you don't want to use SSO?

Hi Andrew,

Many customers has no SSO, and I think that just SSO does not fit the two-factor authentication thing. The definitition of two-factor authentication: 

"2FA is an extra layer of security used to make sure that people trying to gain access to an online account are who they say they are. First, a user will enter their username and a password. Then, instead of immediately gaining access, they will be required to provide another piece of information."

+1 to this from me. We provide data to our customers via Sisense and have had some asking recently whether we can use 2FA to increase security.

I wouldn't want it as a blanket on/off requirement for all users (in general, I want customers to be able to log in to see their dashboards as easily as possible) but having the option to toggle it for specific users would be perfect.

We've worked with a few customers that don't use SSO but need MFA, or customers that use SSO for embedding but would like MFA on the direct login for security compliance reasons.

Status changed to: Declined

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for all the feedback around two-factor authentication.

2FA is not currently on the product roadmap. The majority of our customers use a SSO provider to log in to Sisense, and currently our resources are focused on other projects that will impact greater portions of our users.

We may revisit this in the future though, so keep an eye out for it in the future.

Thank you,


I am assuming after the data breach this will become a priority:

2FA is not currently on the product roadmap. The majority of our customers use a SSO provider to log in to Sisense, and currently our resources are focused on other projects that will impact greater portions of our users.

Not sure saying most of your customers use SSO is good enough. Surprised its not already available .

I agree with the earlier post. The current security incident should highlight the need for Sisense to implement MFA.

Regarding to the comment:

The majority of our customers use a SSO provider to log in to Sisense

It's not true in our case. Almost all customers don't use SSO because they are using the tool for internal purposes only.


For dnata Travel insight platform which is both internal and external facing in light of recent security breach, we are guided by our intrenal security team to implement MFA and 90 day password expiry within the Travel Insight (sisense) product


Can you please advise on the timelines for this feature within Sisense?

Status changed to: Needs Info