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Sisense does not currently offer the ability to easily freeze the top row of a pivot table, similar to what most spreadsheet applications offer.

Prior community questions on this topic (such as advise a workaround by manually disabling the Auto Height feature for the pivot table widget, then reducing the height of the pivot table until a widget-level scroll bar appears. 

This solution only works for a very specific use case, and losing the ability for the widget to dynamically resize when populated with different sizes of datasets and/or when applying dashboard-level filters makes it less tenable. For example, if a widget is manually resized so that the header is visible when scrolling for 50+ rows of data, the widget will stay the same height if a filter is applied that reduces the dataset to 15 rows.

We'd like to see if there is a way to easily freeze the header row of a pivot table while preserving the ability for the widget to automatically resize based on the amount of data. Ideally this would be a checkbox or other easily accessible widget-level setting.


We need a code or possibility to freeze the first column of a pivot table. So that when the user scrolls right they can still see the main column.

Piggy backing on this,

Adding a pivot table design option in the design editor that allows us to select what number of columns to freeze (Starting from the left).

Yes!  I was just wishing for this the other day.  As the OP noted, this is a pretty standard sort of feature in BI applications, and shouldn't require writing additional "code" to implement.

Yes, we recently got a similar question if this was possible. It would be nice to have!

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details. We will bring this to the product team and provide updates here as they are available.

We encourage people to continue to vote and comment. We use community interest as one of the ways we prioritize efforts, so every vote and comment can help turn a request into a reality.

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!

This is such a small item but has a larger effect to our executive reporting. Any possible workarounds without having to turn of Auto Height