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Community Team Member
Community Team Member


Is there a way to tie a default filter (set to "all") so that instead of Blox just displaying the top name in from the data, it triggers a custom phrase instead (like "Aggregate")?


Here's a simple way to do something of the kind!  Two steps:

1. Give the TextBlock containing the customer name an id attribute - for example, see the bolded text:

"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "{panel:Fake Names}️",
"id": "custName",
"style": {
"text-align": "center",
"font-weight": "bold",
"font-size": "24px",
"margin": "100px"

2. Open the widget's script and add this:

widget.on('ready', function(w, args) {
  var custCount = w.queryResult.length;
  if (custCount > 1) {
    $("#custName").text("Aggregate data (" + custCount + " customers)") //insert your id in place of custName

Here are the results when 1 customer is filtered to vs. many.




Additionally, if you want to, you can get rid of the carousel arrows like this in the BloX editor:

"showCarousel": true,
  "carouselAnimation": {
    "showButtons": false


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Last update:
‎10-19-2021 01:22 AM
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