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Community Team Member


The Dynamic iFrame template contains an iFrame element whose hosted page's URL is set by data, fetched from the Elasticube, or contains it.
Since the URL is data-related, the content of the iFrame would be sensitive to filters.
Please note: It is recommended to use this template with single-selection filters, or with a limited number of possible items.

Installation Instructions:

1. Download the attached template
2. Extract the json file into your BloX template directory:
  C:\Program Files\Sisense\app\blox-service\resources\templates
  Note: If a template of the same name already exists, make sure to rename the file name
3. Refresh your browser
4. Create a new Blox Widget and open the Templates menu under the design pane.
You should now be able to see and choose the new template.

If you cannot see the template in the All Templates menu, please restart the Sisense.blox service on your Sisense server.
5. Populate the Items panel with the relevant fields that contain the URL, or its components.
When adjusting the template to yout use case, please note:
  • Any change in panel item names should be reflected in the card editor.
  • The suggested source URL consists of a fixed part and a dynamic part. You can use this approach to refer to different entities within the same base URL. In our example, these are different pages within Wikipedia, but those can also be different accounts in Salesforce or different tickets in Zendesk, provided the appropriate id's.

  • If the field contains the full URL, you may use it alone in the iFrame's SRC attribute:
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Last update:
‎03-02-2023 08:33 AM
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