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Migrating Elasticubes from Windows to Linux

8 - Cloud Apps
8 - Cloud Apps


I want to export elasticube from windows Sisense and import it to the Linux Sisense.

I am able to export elasticube of type .ecube and .ecdata from Windows Sisense(7.0.2)

But my Linux(L2022.8)  is only allowing import of .smodel files.

Could anyone suggest how to export .smodel from my windows version and import it to linux version.



11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

I don't think it's possible to migrate your whole cube, data and all, from Sisense Windows to Linux. At least, when we did it last year, we had to rebuild all our cubes. 

However, you should be able to export an .smodel file from the web-based Data Manager of your Sisense Windows installation (the server-based Elasticube Manager indeed gives .ecube files) and reimport it into the Linux version. 
I had some issues with columns that were arrays in our (PG) database that, on Windows, Sisense imported as text but in Linux either imports differently or refuses to import unless I do the string conversion in the view exposing the data to Sisense. 

Good Luck!
