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Bell Curves in Sisense

10 - ETL
10 - ETL

Anyone out there have a simple way to present Bell Curves?

I found this post, but have not been able to make it work.  Anyone have a better idea?


11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

I was able to simplify the script.

You no longer require the "Median" and "SD" values.
Just configure the following variables:

  • dataLabel - Your data series name
  • sdLevels - The number of SD levels to display (1 means -1/+1 l 2 means -2/-1/+1/+2) | etc.)
var debug = true;

function getMedian(sorted) {
    const middle = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2);

    if (sorted.length % 2 === 0)
        return (sorted[middle - 1] + sorted[middle]) / 2;
		return sorted[middle];

function getStandardDeviation(numArray) {
  const mean = numArray.reduce((s, n) => s + n) / numArray.length;
  const variance = numArray.reduce((s, n) => s + (n - mean) ** 2, 0) / (numArray.length - 1);
  return Math.sqrt(variance);

function getAxisLocation(rangeArray,value) {
	// Calculates the {value} relative location on the {rangeArray} axis
    for (let i=1 ; i< rangeArray.length; i++) {
        if (parseFloat(rangeArray[i-1]) <= value && value <= parseFloat(rangeArray[i])) {
			// If within the range of the datapoints [i-1] and [i]
            return (i-1) + (value-parseFloat(rangeArray[i-1])) / parseFloat((rangeArray[i])-rangeArray[i-1]);
	// The value isn't within the axis range
    return -1;

widget.on('processresult',function(w,ev) {

	var widgetID = w._id;
	var sdLevels = 2;
	var dataLabel = 'Frequency';
	//scan the "Values"
	$.each(ev.result.series, function(i, v) {
		switch( {
			case dataLabel:
				valueArray = [];
				for (let i = 0 ; i< ; i++) {for (let j = 0 ; j <[i].y ; j++ ) {valueArray.push(parseFloat(ev.result.xAxis.categories[i]))}};
				MedianVal = getMedian(valueArray);
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "Median" with a value of ' + MedianVal);
				StdevPVal = getStandardDeviation(valueArray);
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "Population StDev" with a value of ' + StdevPVal);
	// Fix highcharts bug that prevents showing vertical line labels
	// Details:
	Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'getPlotLinePath', function(proceed) {
		var path = proceed.apply(this,, 1));
		if (path) {
			path.flat = false;
		return path;
	// Initialize the vertical lines array
	ev.result.xAxis.plotLines = [];
	// Add the vertical lines
	for (let i=-sdLevels;i<=sdLevels; i++) {
		Value = MedianVal + i * StdevPVal
		Position = getAxisLocation(ev.result.xAxis.categories,Value);
		if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Handling i=' + i +' Value=' + Value + ' Position=' + Position)
		switch (Math.abs(i)) {
			case 0:
				Color = 'Red'
				Text = 'Median (' + Value.toFixed(2) + ')'
			case 1:
				Color = 'Blue'
				Text = i + 'SD (' + Value.toFixed(2) + ')'
			case 2:
				Color = 'Grey'
				Text = i + 'SD'

		if (Position != -1) ev.result.xAxis.plotLines.push(
				color: Color,
				width: 2,
				dashStyle: "dash",
				value: Position,
				label: {
					text: Text,
					textAlign: "center",
					style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
			if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - The "SD ' + i +'" line is out of the X Axis range (' + Value + ') - Skipping')


View solution in original post

Hi @Silutions 

Looking at your script - You're missing a "break;" in your case statement:


View solution in original post


11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

Hi @Silutions,

Can you please share the post you are referring to?

Also, can you please elaborate on the use case? Show a visual example?



The post is here:

Sorry, didn't realize I hadn't linked the post I was referring to.

Regards, Jim

11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

Hi @Silutions,

I thought you were referring to this article 🙂

Would you mind elaborating on the use case and what you are attempting to achieve? As requested - A visual example and a before/after mockup would be appreciated



The use case is the same as the article.  The client has test results data and they want to present the analysis as a bell curve.  See the image below:

Capto_Capture 2021-12-28_11-02-26_AM.png

They would like to show both the curve and the vertical lines at plus and minus one and two standard deviations.  They would also like to show the y value labels.  See this article on how to create a bell curve in Excel:   

Thanks for your interest in this.  Please let me know if you would like to discuss.

Regards, Jim

11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

@Silutions ,

There might be various complex ways to do so, but the easiest one may be this:

Let me know if that works for you 🙂

10 - ETL
10 - ETL


Sorry if I confused you.  I was trying to provide an example of the finished product.  The red line above is a line chart of the count (frequency) of the value of interest.  The vertical blue lines are at the plus and minus one and two standard deviations.  The green mean vertical line is nice, but not critical.  This is not a static image, but a dynamically calculated chart like the original post ( I could not make work.


Hi @Silutions,



After a long script investigation, I've identified a few errors and constants that were placed into the code which are "example specific".

Bottom Line is that requires more work than just copying a script.


I've made a few modifications and ended out with the following example - Let me know if this answers your needs and I'll share the script with you:


The red line is mean

Blue lines are SD +/- 1

Grey lines are SD +/- 2 (this specific graph only shows one of them)


10 - ETL
10 - ETL


This looks right to me.  My only comment is that in the original post the values were in percent.  Our values are not percentages.  I don't see why that should make a difference though.

Regards, Jim



The steps to create this:

  1. Create a new "line chart" widget
  2. Select an "X-Axis" ("Scores" in my example)
  3. Select a "Value" ("Frequency" in my example)
  4. Create a value named "MedianPerc" providing the median of scores.
    I used the formula "(MEDIAN([Score]),ALL([Score]))"
  5. Create a value named "SD1" providing the SD+1 value.
    I used the formula "(MEDIAN([Score]),ALL([Score])) + (STDEV([Score]),ALL([Score]))"
  6. Create a value named "SDMinus1" providing the SD-1 value.
    I used the formula "(MEDIAN([Score]),ALL([Score])) - (STDEV([Score]),ALL([Score]))"
  7. Create a value named "SD2" providing the SD+2 value.
    I used the formula "(MEDIAN([Score]),ALL([Score])) + 2*(STDEV([Score]),ALL([Score]))"
  8. Create a value named "SDMinus2" providing the SD-1 value.
    I used the formula "(MEDIAN([Score]),ALL([Score])) - 2*(STDEV([Score]),ALL([Score]))"
  9. Write the following code in the widget script:

widget.on('processresult',function(w,ev) {

    var s = ev.result.series;
    var MedianPerc = "MedianPerc";
    var MedianPercVal;
    var SD1 = "SD1";
    var SD1Val;
    var SDMinus1 = "SDMinus1"
    var SDMinus1Val;
    var SD2 = "SD2";
    var SD2Val;
    var SDMinus2 = "SDMinus2"
    var SDMinus2Val;

    $.each(s, function(i, v) {
        switch( {
            case MedianPerc:
                MedianPercVal = ([0].y) //* 1000;
       = null

            case SD1:
                SD1Val =[0].y;
       = null

            case SDMinus1:
                SDMinus1Val =[0].y;
       = null

            case SD2:
                SD2Val =[0].y;
       = null

            case SDMinus2:
                SDMinus2Val =[0].y;
       = null


    ev.result.xAxis.plotLines= [
            color: 'Red',
            width: 2,
            dashStyle: "dash",
            value: MedianPercVal,
            label: {
                text: "Median",
                textAlign: "center",
                style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
            color: 'Blue',
            width: 2,
            dashStyle: "dash",
            value: SD1Val,
            label: {text: "1 SD",
                    textAlign: "center",
                    style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
            color: 'Blue',
            width: 2,
            dashStyle: "dash",
            value: SDMinus1Val,
            label: {text: "-1 SD",
                    textAlign: "center",
                    style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
            color: 'Grey',
            width: 2,
            dashStyle: "dash",
            value: SD2Val,
            label: {text: "2 SD",// + ((SD2Val)/10).toFixed(2) +'%',
                    textAlign: "center",
                    style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
            color: 'Grey',
            width: 2,
            dashStyle: "dash",
            value: SDMinus2Val,
            label: {text: "-2 SD",// + ((SDMinus2Val)/10).toFixed(2) +'%',
                    textAlign: "center",
                    style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},





We must be close, but I'm not getting the SD lines.  See my results below: Capto_Capture 2021-12-30_01-22-33_PM.png

Here is the chart with script removed.  The Median and SD values are correct so I'm not quite sure what is going wrong since the JavaScript is obviously technically correct since it is hiding the Median and SD lines.

Capto_Capture 2021-12-30_01-27-49_PM.png

Thanks for all your help with this, Jim

Hi @Silutions,


Can you please check a few things:

  1. What is the Sisense version you're running?
  2. Open the developer mode and let me know if you see any errors while loading the page with the script enabled
  3. Add the following code to the end of the script (right after the "]" line): "console.log(ev.result.xAxis.plotLines)"
    The developer mode console should throw you the print

Should look something like:


Running Windows   Didn't spot any errors in the console.  Result of console log statement is:


These values are correct.  So I'm surprised they aren't plotting.

Regards, Jim

10 - ETL
10 - ETL


I should have said no errors except the ones I always see, but for what it's worth here they are:


Capto_Capture 2021-12-30_02-32-13_PM.png


11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

Hi @Silutions,

Happy to say I was able to implement the code in a Windows machine running
Enclosed is the dashboard - Please import it and use the "Sample Retail" dataset as a data source

Enjoy - Happy new year

11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

File upload failed - Please download the text file and change its suffix from ".txt" to ".dash"


Dashboard loaded fine and presents the data from the Sample Lead Generation EC fine.  However, with our data, which is an almost perfect Bell Curve data set, the Median, SD, etc. lines do not show.    See screen shot below:

Capto_Capture 2022-01-03_02-35-07_PM.pngI can fool with filter settings to get the Median, etc. lines to show so I know it's not the script not being correct.

Capto_Capture 2022-01-03_02-41-55_PM.png

I imported the attached exported data file to my system to see if there was something odd about the Client's system, but I get the same behavior. 

Thank you for continuing to persevere on this.

Happy New Year, Jim

Hi @Silutions,


I see what's going on 🙂


Try changing this part of the code:


    $.each(s, function(i, v) {
        switch( {
            case MedianPerc:
                MedianPercVal = ([0].y) - parseInt(ev.result.xAxis.categories[0]);
       = null

            case SD1:
                SD1Val =[0].y - parseInt(ev.result.xAxis.categories[0]);
       = null

            case SDMinus1:
                SDMinus1Val =[0].y - parseInt(ev.result.xAxis.categories[0]);
       = null

            case SD2:
                SD2Val =[0].y - parseInt(ev.result.xAxis.categories[0]);
       = null

            case SDMinus2:
                SDMinus2Val =[0].y - parseInt(ev.result.xAxis.categories[0]);
       = null



My axis started from 0 - Yours didn't




Getting closer.  The Median and SD lines are now present except for SD1, but the values are incorrect as you can see from the pivot to the right.

Capto_Capture 2022-01-03_04-23-37_PM.png

Regards, Jim

Hi @Silutions ,

There were 3 issues in the original script:

  • The Range doesn't always start at 0
  • The intervals between the categories are not always 1
  • The X-Axis isn't 100% linear

Please use the following code instead:

var debug = true;

function getAxisLocation(rangeArray,value) {
    for (let i=1 ; i< rangeArray.length; i++) {
        if (parseFloat(rangeArray[i-1]) <= value && value <= parseFloat(rangeArray[i])) {
            return (i-1) + (value-parseFloat(rangeArray[i-1])) / parseFloat((rangeArray[i])-rangeArray[i-1]);
    return -1;

widget.on('processresult',function(w,ev) {

	var widgetID = w._id;
	var s = ev.result.series;
	var MedianPerc = "MedianPerc";
	var MedianPercVal;
	var SD1 = "SD1";
	var SD1Val;
	var SDMinus1 = "SDMinus1"
	var SDMinus1Val;
	var SD2 = "SD2";
	var SD2Val;
	var SDMinus2 = "SDMinus2"
	var SDMinus2Val;
	$.each(s, function(i, v) {
		switch( {
			case MedianPerc:
				MedianPercVal = getAxisLocation(ev.result.xAxis.categories,[0].y)
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "Median" with a value of ' + ([0].y) + ' - Placing at data point ' + MedianPercVal); = null;

			case SD1:
				SD1Val = getAxisLocation(ev.result.xAxis.categories,[0].y)
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "SD+1" with a value of ' +[0].y + ' - Placing at data point ' + SD1Val); = null;

			case SDMinus1:
				SDMinus1Val = getAxisLocation(ev.result.xAxis.categories,[0].y)
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "SD-1" with a value of ' +[0].y + ' - Placing at data point ' + SDMinus1Val); = null;

			case SD2:
				SD2Val = getAxisLocation(ev.result.xAxis.categories,[0].y)
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "SD+2" with a value of ' +[0].y + ' - Placing at data point ' + SD2Val); = null;

			case SDMinus2:
				SDMinus2Val = getAxisLocation(ev.result.xAxis.categories,[0].y)
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "SD-2" with a value of ' +[0].y + ' - Placing at data point ' + SDMinus2Val); = null;


	// Fix highcharts bug
	Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'getPlotLinePath', function(proceed) {
		var path = proceed.apply(this,, 1));
		if (path) {
			path.flat = false;
		return path;
	ev.result.xAxis.plotLines= [];
	if (MedianPercVal != -1) ev.result.xAxis.plotLines.push(
			color: 'Red',
			width: 2,
			dashStyle: "dash",
			value: MedianPercVal,
			label: {
				text: "Median",
				textAlign: "center",
				style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
		if (debug) console.log ('The "Median" line is out of the X Axis range - Skipping')
	if (SD1Val != -1) ev.result.xAxis.plotLines.push(
			color: 'Blue',
			width: 2,
			dashStyle: "dash",
			value: SD1Val,
			label: {
				text: "1 SD",
				textAlign: "center",
				style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
		if (debug) console.log ('The "SD +1" line is out of the X Axis range - Skipping')
	if (SDMinus1Val != -1) ev.result.xAxis.plotLines.push(
			color: 'Blue',
			width: 2,
			dashStyle: "dash",
			value: SDMinus1Val,
			label: {
				text: "-1 SD",
				textAlign: "center",
				style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
		if (debug) console.log ('The "SD -1" line is out of the X Axis range - Skipping')
	if (SD2Val != -1) ev.result.xAxis.plotLines.push(
			color: 'Grey',
			width: 2,
			dashStyle: "dash",
			value: SD2Val,
			label: {
				text: "2 SD",// + ((SD2Val)/10).toFixed(2) +'%',
				textAlign: "center",
				style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
		if (debug) console.log ('The "SD +2" line is out of the X Axis range - Skipping')
	if (SDMinus2Val != -1) ev.result.xAxis.plotLines.push(
			color: 'Grey',
			width: 2,
			dashStyle: "dash",
			value: SDMinus2Val,
			label: {
				text: "-2 SD",// + ((SDMinus2Val)/10).toFixed(2) +'%',
				textAlign: "center",
				style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
		if (debug) console.log ('The "SD -2" line is out of the X Axis range - Skipping')

 Please note the code print debug information to the console
Feel free to change the debug flag to "false" to get rid of them


10 - ETL
10 - ETL


This looks correct to me and appears to be a more robust solution.  We will test across a few more of our analyses and let you know.  As you pointed out, the original script was built around a frequency value based on percentages and therefore was always > 0 and had even x axis intervals.  This is a fairly low percentage of Bell Curve use cases.  Your generalization addresses these limitations.  I recognize you did a lot of work on this and it is appreciated by both me and our customer.  I suggest you add this solution as a support article as I think many folks looking for a Bell Curve solution will be grateful for it.

Regards, Jim

11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline


Please let me know if this covers your use case (Use the "Accept as Solution" button) and I'll post it



I did some additional testing with our customer today.  This looks very good.  One additional requirement the customer came up with was having it work with the "break by" so that multiple suppliers could be compared.

Any interest in taking that on?   If not, I'll accept as solution.

Regards, Jim

Hi @Silutions


This will make the script a bit more complex - But more important, it will make the visualization unreadable.

I'd suggest one of the following:

1. Having them use multiple line charts

2. Having them only display the median of each category (use the median formula in the SD1,SD2, etc.)


The goal is for them to compare several different suppliers performance.  It actually is not unreadable.  See screen shot below:

Capto_Capture 2022-01-10_12-55-24_PM.png

11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

I was able to simplify the script.

You no longer require the "Median" and "SD" values.
Just configure the following variables:

  • dataLabel - Your data series name
  • sdLevels - The number of SD levels to display (1 means -1/+1 l 2 means -2/-1/+1/+2) | etc.)
var debug = true;

function getMedian(sorted) {
    const middle = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2);

    if (sorted.length % 2 === 0)
        return (sorted[middle - 1] + sorted[middle]) / 2;
		return sorted[middle];

function getStandardDeviation(numArray) {
  const mean = numArray.reduce((s, n) => s + n) / numArray.length;
  const variance = numArray.reduce((s, n) => s + (n - mean) ** 2, 0) / (numArray.length - 1);
  return Math.sqrt(variance);

function getAxisLocation(rangeArray,value) {
	// Calculates the {value} relative location on the {rangeArray} axis
    for (let i=1 ; i< rangeArray.length; i++) {
        if (parseFloat(rangeArray[i-1]) <= value && value <= parseFloat(rangeArray[i])) {
			// If within the range of the datapoints [i-1] and [i]
            return (i-1) + (value-parseFloat(rangeArray[i-1])) / parseFloat((rangeArray[i])-rangeArray[i-1]);
	// The value isn't within the axis range
    return -1;

widget.on('processresult',function(w,ev) {

	var widgetID = w._id;
	var sdLevels = 2;
	var dataLabel = 'Frequency';
	//scan the "Values"
	$.each(ev.result.series, function(i, v) {
		switch( {
			case dataLabel:
				valueArray = [];
				for (let i = 0 ; i< ; i++) {for (let j = 0 ; j <[i].y ; j++ ) {valueArray.push(parseFloat(ev.result.xAxis.categories[i]))}};
				MedianVal = getMedian(valueArray);
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "Median" with a value of ' + MedianVal);
				StdevPVal = getStandardDeviation(valueArray);
				if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Found "Population StDev" with a value of ' + StdevPVal);
	// Fix highcharts bug that prevents showing vertical line labels
	// Details:
	Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Axis.prototype, 'getPlotLinePath', function(proceed) {
		var path = proceed.apply(this,, 1));
		if (path) {
			path.flat = false;
		return path;
	// Initialize the vertical lines array
	ev.result.xAxis.plotLines = [];
	// Add the vertical lines
	for (let i=-sdLevels;i<=sdLevels; i++) {
		Value = MedianVal + i * StdevPVal
		Position = getAxisLocation(ev.result.xAxis.categories,Value);
		if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - Handling i=' + i +' Value=' + Value + ' Position=' + Position)
		switch (Math.abs(i)) {
			case 0:
				Color = 'Red'
				Text = 'Median (' + Value.toFixed(2) + ')'
			case 1:
				Color = 'Blue'
				Text = i + 'SD (' + Value.toFixed(2) + ')'
			case 2:
				Color = 'Grey'
				Text = i + 'SD'

		if (Position != -1) ev.result.xAxis.plotLines.push(
				color: Color,
				width: 2,
				dashStyle: "dash",
				value: Position,
				label: {
					text: Text,
					textAlign: "center",
					style:{fontFamily: "abelregular"},
			if (debug) console.log (widgetID + ' - The "SD ' + i +'" line is out of the X Axis range (' + Value + ') - Skipping')



This makes it much easier to implement.  I had added a Target line to your original solution by adding a Value target to the chart and then adding on to your script.  See screen shot:

Capto_Capture 2022-01-10_01-04-02_PM.png

I can't figure out how to do that with your new code.  Can you help us out with that?

Regards, Jim

Hi @Silutions ,

You'll just have to add an additional "push" command to the code after the loop - Just like the original code



Did that (I think) and got my Target line, but my plot line has now disappeared.  Rather copying in all the code, attached is my test dashboard (with extension changed to .txt).  Note that this widget has a separate data value, Frequency%, we are using to calculate the % of the Frequency count at each value.  There is a script at that sets the opacity of that value (set to column chart) to 0 to hide the columns.  We are just displaying the labels.  I've removed that script and the Frequency% value, but that didn't get my plot line back.  I guess I need more help.  As you can tell, I'm not that good with JavaScript.

Regards, Jim

Hi @Silutions 

Looking at your script - You're missing a "break;" in your case statement:



That did it.  Again, thank you!

Regards, Jim


New customer requirement: show bell curves for multiple values of the category.  Ex. show 3 bell curves on same chart.  One each for Supplier A, Suppler B and Supplier C to allow us to compare their performance.  The number of category choices should be selectable from a dashboard filter from 1 to n generating 1 to n bell curves on the same same set of axes.

Bad example shown below:



Any chance you'd be willing to take a look at this?

Regards, Jim