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Status: Delivered

After using the following property in customize JTD widget script for Pivot widget, JTD is enabled for all rows. 

drillToDashboardNavigateTypePivot: 1

It would be great if we have an option of enabling JTD for specific rows. 

For example, we are having 4 rows and 2 value columns in the pivot but want to have JTD linked to only "row2" and have that "row2" data passing to JTD as filter (as shown in the picture).

NOTE: Customize JTD widget script referenced from Official Sisense documentation: 


hey @Pushpanjali_J ,

I'm not able to see a screenshot but it's sounds like you have a Pivot table with 4 Dimensions(Rows) and 2 Measures, and the need is to be able to drill from a Measure but only include 1 or partial Dimension as a Filter in the drill dashboard

Here as Example


The following is achievable using a Widget Script. Please review the following Community article
The Script Exclude the selected filters from the Drill Dashboard. 

prism.jumpToDashboard(widget, {
    excludeFilterDims: ["[DimProducts.Color]","[DimCountries.Region]","[DimCountries.CountryName]"] //update the list according to the filters in a format of table_name.column_name

Drill include Widget Script - only Color filter applied


Drill without the Widget Script - all rows applied


Best Regards




Hello @AssafHanina 

I have edited the post attaching the screenshot, please give a look.

The issue is not about passing filters to the JTD. It is about the linking JTD to a specific dimension (rows).

After using drillToDashboardNavigateTypePivot: 1, when we right click on any dimensions (rows), we are seeing the pop-up to drill to JTD as shown in the images.pivot-row4.png







But I don't want to see that pop up on all the dimensions.

Want to get the JTD drilling ability to only row2 and further only this row's value should pass as filter.

Thanks & Regards

hey @Pushpanjali_J ,

thanks for providing the detailed screenshots. 

it's seems that you would like to disable the option to Drill from the first Category (row1), which might be possible using a widget script. 

The info will be shared with the product house.

Best Regards

Status changed to: Delivered

Starting from Sisense version L2025.1 SP1, the JTD can be configured in the widget UI. The configuration settings include an option to set JTD for specific columns (incl. 'row', 'value' and 'column' columns) in a Pivot widget.
You can find more details in the Configuring JTD Per Widget documentation.

Hi @Pushpanjali_J,

Good news!