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the display format of the cube build time is shown as "Nov 8, 2023 2:00:01 AM"

We should have option to format it to "11/08/2023 02:00 ' i.e. MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'


Hello @hpathare,

Thank you for bringing this up. 

Can you clarify where you are seeing that? When I look at the build times in the Data tab of my Sisense I see the datetime in the format you are requesting.



my issue is on the dashboards where we see last build time , it shows as "Nov 8, 2023 2:00:01 AM" , support asked to raise it as feature request

Hi @hpathare 

Are you referring to a Widget? If so, you can edit the how a datetime is displayed by editing the Widget, hovering over the datetime field, clicking on the little calendar icon that shows up, and entering your desired formatting in the space outlined in the screenshot below.

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 12.54.54 PM.png

If that's not the issue, can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing so I can try and replicate the issue?

No, I think (s)he is referring to the build date-time that is shown in the banner of each dashboard, like:


In general, seems like all date displays in the system should respect the regional settings of the viewer.

Personally I like YYYY-MM-DD because it sorts nicely.

@dougnewton Thank you, that makes sense.

@hpathare Is that correct? You are talking about the area shown in the screenshot above?

Status changed to: Needs Info

@hpathare  It has been a while since we heard from you. Is what @dougnewton  showed the format you are talking about?

Hello @hpathare,

It has been a while since we heard from you. Is what @dougnewton  showed the format you are talking about?

Hello @hpathare,

It has been a while since we heard from you. Is what @dougnewton showed the format you are talking about?

Hi @DRay 

I'm having the same issue, maybe you could help me?

The comment from Dougnewton is correct, when adding the columns startBuildTimeStamp endBuildTimeStamp I can't get the timestamp in one column. Rather, it makes create two columns, one for the date and one for the time. Like this:
