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Status: Delivered

The v1 Excel exporter included functionality that would export Pivot Table widgets to an XLSX file that was aggregated just like what users see inside of Sisense in their browser.

We are now using the v2 Excel exporter and it no longer has this functionality, apparently by design. I think the v2 Excel exporter should also have aggregation functionality so that the XLSX export for Pivot Tables is just like what users were seeing with the v1 exporter. We have thousands of users who have been using the v1 Exporter and are expecting this behavior.

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hello @bminehart.

Thank you for your feedback. That feature was removed from v2 due to performance considerations, but, due to customer feedback like yours, our product team is investigating adding it back in. 

One of the ways we prioritize development efforts is by community interest. I encourage other users to vote and comment on this suggestion. The more engagement a request receives, the higher the likelihood of it being considered for implementation.

Thank you for being a valuable part of our community!

Status changed to: Planned

Thank you for your feedback! We are excited to share that we are now working on adding the option to export with merged (aggregated) rows to Export to Excel v2. To ensure the exporting flow best meet your needs, I would appreciate your input on which configuration option is most important:

  1. Setting system-wide behavior by the administrator
  2. Letting dashboard owner to define the desired format (merged or unmerged rows) per pivot widget/per dashboard
  3. Letting the end-user to select the desired format for each exporting

Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to enhance your experience. Please let us know which option you find most beneficial.

Thank you!


I want to make sure you see the response from Yuliya Motiyets. Are you able to provide feedback?

Hi @DRay and @YuliyaMotiyets - thanks for reaching out.

Could you rephrase your question? It sounds like the behavior being discussed in all three options is selecting the option to aggregate or not aggregate - is that correct?

And the question is: is it most important for this to be configurable system-wide, on a per-widget/dashboard basis, or on a per-export basis, is that right?


You got it right @bminehart 

Thanks @YuliyaMotiyets .

Our preference would be your #3 option, but with a default that can be configured system wide. Meaning, as administrator, we could configure a setting where the default export behavior for a pivot table is either aggregated or not. But there's the option on a per-widget basis for the user to choose to download as something other than the default.

Status changed to: Delivered

@bminehart Please be aware that starting from version L2024.3 users can choose how they want their data displayed in the Excel file generated with v2 exporting engine.