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We find our clients sometimes using the widget information (i) button to provide their users with context for a widget. Their users sometimes click the button in search of information even when the designers haven't added any text to the widget information button. It would be helpful for end users to have a way of knowing before clicking that the widget information does or doesn't have additional information about the widget.



@wallingfordceyou will find this link very useful & relevant to your feedback:

Hi @wallingfordce.

Was the link provided by @MikeGre helpful?

Yes and no, @DRay . I like what @MikeGre is offering on this idea, and enjoyed reviewing Implementing this change at a dashboard level is unrealistic for our community of users. I would need to instead implement this as a plug-in, which maybe, someday. And if that day comes, that link will have been super-helpful. 

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hello  @wallingfordce,

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details. We will bring this to the product team and provide updates here as they are available.

I encourage people to continue to vote and comment. We use community interest as one of the ways we prioritize efforts, so every vote and comment can help turn a request into a reality!

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!