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There needs to be a way to deactivate user accounts rather than completing removing. We have users that will no longer have access to the system, but could come back later (for example, trail users).

The workarounds are currently:

  • reassigning security groups (means those users are still taking up licenses)
  • writing our own user admin functionality (only makes sense if we are integrating users to another platform)

Adding a 'Status' or 'Disabled' flag to the user account would accomplish this.


I like the disabled user idea but another work around could be as an Admin you should be able to change their password then if they return you give them the new password then they can change it again once logged in. It's not perfect but it works.

Hi @zach_myt , that's a nice alternative to moving security groups. Can't they reset p/w without Admin reset first though (reset email gets sent direct to their email)

Yes, I forgot to mention you would need to change their email slightly, I recommend something at the front or end of the email like [email protected]

Leaving old accounts active (even with reset pw) also represents a security risk. Given recent events, this should be reconsidered for implementation - I can't imagine it would be hard to do.

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hello @pb_si,

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details.

We encourage people to continue to vote and comment. We use community interest as one of the ways we prioritize efforts, so every vote and comment can help turn a request into a reality.

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!

Hi @DRay , understood - this is still very much on our wish list. For additional context, we have accounts in our system that we might want disabled, but not completely removed (they might need re-enabling in the near future) - for example:

  • Sisense support team member accounts
  • demo accounts
  • temp/test accounts
  • evaluation accounts

best practice is to disable accounts as soon as they are no longer required. This is far less risky and more visible to admins than altering global group or data permissions.