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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
In version 6.7, Sisense introduced support for exporting pivot table widgets to Microsoft Excel. For general information about the feature and how to use it, please review
We strongly recommend using version or later to successfully export widgets to Excel. Please see our release notes for more information about issues on earlier versions.
Issues and Troubleshooting
Issue: Export fails with the error "The file could not be generated"
Root Cause: Multiple
  • For customers using a reverse proxy, load balancer, or bound host name in IIS, please follow Step 6 on in our SSL documentation page ( and try again
  • In your web browserNavigate to http{s}://{host:port}/engine/test and confirm the Excel engine is working. Expected result: {"test":"engine works properly"}
  • Review for operating system processes that occupy the same port as your Sisense site by running "netsh http show urlacl" in the Command Prompt (cmd.exe). If a conflict is identified, run "netsh http delete urlacl url=http://*:{port}/". For example, "netsh http delete urlacl url=http://*:{8081}/". Afterwards, restart IIS by running 'iisreset' in the Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • For further assistance, please contact Sisense support and include your logs (see information below)
Issue: Excel export is generated but content contains garbled HTML
Root Cause: Multiple
Resolution: Same steps as above
Issue: Excel exports are generally successful but fail on widgets that utilize the metadata plugin (
Root cause: Conflicts between the Metadata plugin and Sisense's Excel export generation
Resolution: Please contact Sisense Support
Issue: Excel export is successful but contains incorrect formatting or styling
Root cause: Limitation in Sisense version 6.7-7.0
Resolution: Upgrade to Sisense 7.0.1 or later
Issue: Export export is successful but column sorting is incorrect
Root cause: Limitation in Sisense version 6.7-7.0
Resolution: When available, upgrade to Sisense 7.1 or later
Issue: Excel export contents do not match the pivot table contents
Root cause: Issues with Sisense's Excel export engine
Resolution: Our developers are aware and currently working to resolve these uncommon issues. For more information, please contact Sisense Support.
Exporting Programmatically
(including embedded analytics/OEM scenarios)
For customers embedding Sisense who want to replicate the export to Excel functionality, please see the information available in the 1.0 version of our REST API documentation for a sample script:
To generally export widgets to Excel via the REST API, use the api/v1/engine/excelExport endpoint. The response is binary content; catch and write it to a .xlsx file in your script.
Export Logs
Excel export logs are located by default at C:\ProgramData\Sisense\PrismWeb\Logs\engineLogs.log.
Disabling Exports
Customers who wish to disable Excel exports can disable CSV and Excel exports through the Sisense REST API. The endpoint is api/roles. For more information, see Run a PUT call to set the value for the export_csv property under Widgets to false. This change will need to be run for each role you want to affect.
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Version history
Last update:
‎02-21-2024 12:24 PM
Updated by: