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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
Sisense Pulse allows you to stay on top of your most important KPIs across all your dashboards and your ElastiCube builds status.
If you face any issues with Sisense Pulse, the first step is to identify if none of the alerts are working, or whether it's an issue for specific notifications such as email reports or push notifications created by the system.
If no alerts are created (meaning you see no notifications in the notification icon), this could indicate that Pulse communication is either blocked or isn't running successfully.

No Alerts are Created

If you do not receive any alerts, verify that the following services are running:
  1. In Windows Services Manager for Sisense V7.2 and later, verify that Sisense.Broker is running: 
2.   In Task Manager, under Details, verify that Sisense.AlertingMQ.exe and erl.exe are running.
3.   Verify that port 5672 is open on the Sisense server for the RabbitMQ system to have open communication.
When Pulse is not running as expected, we strongly suggest trying and restarting the Sisense.Broker service and follow Steps 1 and 2 again to see if the issue is resolved.
If after restarting the services Pulse is still not running as expected, the next step is to verify that the ElastiCube Manager is creating the proper notifications. You can verify this by navigating to %ProgramData%\Sisense\PrismServer\PrismServerLogs\ECS.log and search for ‘EventsPublishManager’ in the log.
If there are no messages with ‘EventsPublishManager’, it means that Pulse was not triggered or some error message could be logged that describes the cause of the issue.
In rare cases there might be an issue with RabbitMQ database. Make sure the following folder exists in your environment C:\Program Files\Sisense\Infra\Rabbitmq.

Specific Notifications are not Received

If the notifications are displayed in Sisense in your Notifications Feed, but you do not receive emails or push notifications in the mobile app, make sure you have checked these options under the Alert settings when you created the alert:
Regarding push notifications in Sisense Mobile, make sure that all users that are supposed to get push notifications are logged in to the mobile application and have the proper application permission for popups.
If some users do not receive email notifications, check if they can receive any system emails like ‘forgot password’ or when a dashboard is shared.
In case no emails are sent from the system, review the email troubleshooting guide. Another useful test to conduct is to try running the Pulse on a different widget in order to make sure this is not a widget related issue.

*Note* for Split Deployment Models Prior to Sisense 7.4

 If you are not receiving pulse alerts and have a split deployment set up (High Availability, one cube server and one web server, etc) please follows the steps below to see if this resolves the issue you are facing.
  1. On the cube server, open  "C:\ProgramData\Sisense\PrismServer\ElastiCubeConfiguration.xml" and edit the RabbitMQ IP address to be the IP (or name) of the app/web server
  2. Restart the Elasticube Management service (ElastiCubeManagementService -or- Sisense.ECMS and Sisense.ECMServer)
  3. On the app server, check to make sure ERL.exe and Sisense.Alerting.MQ.exe is running and 5672 is open from build to app server
  4. Restart Sisense.Pulse (or Sisense.Broker)
  5. Do a test build that you expect to receive pulse alerts for

Still Not Receiving Pulse Alerts?

If you are still not able to resolve the issue with the above information, please make sure to submit a ticket with screenshots and results of the above steps and we’ll happily assist!
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Last update:
‎02-15-2024 02:21 PM
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