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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
In multiple fact tables, that all contain a common field, when filtering on this field in a dashboard, you want the filter to be independent of all of the related fact tables.
In order to accomplish this, you’ll need to generate a dimension table for this field. To go about this, would be to create a separate Dimension table for the field using a Custom SQL Expression. Then pull the field from the Dim table into the filter and NOT from one of the Fact tables.
Please find below the steps to accomplish this:
  1. Create a new dimension table using a Custom SQL Expression (example below)alt
  2. Name the table in such a way that it will be easily identifiable. For the example of dimension Order and name the table dimOrder. Define the table with the following SQL expression:
SELECT DISTINCT [Order] from table1
SELECT DISTINCT [Order] from table2
SELECT DISTINCT [Order] from table3

*Note: Extrapolate this methodology for as many fact tables as contain this common dimension.
3. Make sure to replace table1, table2, table3 with the actual names of your tables.
4. Connect the dim table to the other fact tables via the dimension field.alt
5. Rebuild your ElastiCube.
6. Finally, in your Dashboard, pull the dim table field into your filter.
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Last update:
‎03-02-2023 08:28 AM
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