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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
The names of the ECs are often accompanied by mysterious letters that make them hard to read.
If you have a need to create a list of ECs with their clear names and the dates when they were last queried, you may follow the following steps:
Create a text file which contains the names of the elasticubes:
 C:\ProgramData\Sisense\PrismServer\ElastiCubeData>dir > C:\Users\admin\Downloads\ECs.txt
Clean the EC names by using the following Find and Replace strings
1. Remove timestamp with regex 
2. Replace characters according to the below table 
08/02/2020 22:50 <DIR> aADVATIXXwAaADILKAPOORXwAaECXwAav3
15/06/2020 15:39 <DIR> aAdvIAAaCertificationIAAaLQAaIAAaUseIAAaCaseIAAaLQAaIAAaDataIAAaSecurity
15/06/2020 15:39 <DIR> aAdvIAAaCertificationIAAaLQAaIAAaUseIAAaCaseIAAaLQAaIAAaDataIAAaSecurity_Alternative
15/06/2020 09:22 <DIR> aAdvIAAaCertificationIAAaLQAaIAAaUseIAAaCaseIAAaLQAaIAAaLeads
27/04/2020 18:06 <DIR> aBAsketAnalysisTest_2020-4-27_11-13-36
27/04/2020 18:06 <DIR> aBAsketAnalysisTest_2020-4-27_11-13-36_Alternative
07/03/2020 20:22 <DIR> aClio_2020-3-7_19-22-5
04/05/2020 10:38 <DIR> aCovid19IAAaCitiesAbove50K_2020-5-4_10-38-48
17/03/2020 18:49 <DIR> aDataflixTechnologiesXwAaHemaSaiKanakamedalaXwAaECDATA
06/03/2020 13:35 <DIR> aDataflixTechnologiesXwAaJyothiSaiKrishnaUppalapati
10/03/2020 12:10 <DIR> aDataflixXwAaSreenivas(1)
10/03/2020 12:10 <DIR> aDataflixXwAaSreenivas(1)_Alternative
09/08/2020 16:10 <DIR> aDatesCaseWhen_2020-8-9_16-10-2
07/05/2020 16:44 <DIR> aDay2DayIAAaCompare_2020-5-7_16-44-26
08/02/2020 15:18 <DIR> aDevLQAaSisenseLQAa1LgAa2IAAaExam
08/02/2020 22:50 <DIR> ADVATIX_ADILKAPOOR_EC_v3
15/06/2020 15:39 <DIR> Adv Certification - Use Case - Data Security
15/06/2020 15:39 <DIR> Adv Certification - Use Case - Data Security_Alternative
15/06/2020 09:22 <DIR> Adv Certification - Use Case - Leads
27/04/2020 18:06 <DIR> BAsketAnalysisTest
27/04/2020 18:06 <DIR> BAsketAnalysisTest
07/03/2020 20:22 <DIR> Clio
04/05/2020 10:38 <DIR> Covid19 CitiesAbove50K
17/03/2020 18:49 <DIR> DataflixTechnologies_HemaSaiKanakamedala_ECDATA
06/03/2020 13:35 <DIR> DataflixTechnologies_JyothiSaiKrishnaUppalapati
10/03/2020 12:10 <DIR> Dataflix_Sreenivas(1)
10/03/2020 12:10 <DIR> Dataflix_Sreenivas(1)_Alternative
09/08/2020 16:10 <DIR> DatesCaseWhen
07/05/2020 16:44 <DIR> Day2Day Compare
08/02/2020 15:18 <DIR> Dev-Sisense-1.2 Exam
Using further Find and Replace we can get the following text:
15/06/2020, Adv Certification - Use Case - Data Security
15/06/2020, Adv Certification - Use Case - Data Security_Alternative
15/06/2020, Adv Certification - Use Case - Leads
27/04/2020, BAsketAnalysisTest
27/04/2020, BAsketAnalysisTest
07/03/2020, Clio
04/05/2020, Covid19 CitiesAbove50K
17/03/2020, DataflixTechnologies_HemaSaiKanakamedala_ECDATA
06/03/2020, DataflixTechnologies_JyothiSaiKrishnaUppalapati
10/03/2020, Dataflix_Sreenivas(1)
10/03/2020, Dataflix_Sreenivas(1)_Alternative
09/08/2020, DatesCaseWhen
07/05/2020, Day2Day Compare
08/02/2020, Dev-Sisense-1.2 Exam
We can then save it as a CSV...and from here... use it with APIs for example.
Viva clarity 🙂
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Last update:
‎03-02-2023 08:55 AM
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