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Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member

Tabber - Troubleshooting The Most Common Issues


This article provides troubleshooting steps for the most common issues with the Tabber add-on. Search for the relevant symptom and review the solution that might help resolve the issue.

Step-by-Step Guide

Symptom: The Tabber widget is not displayed in the list of widget types.
Solution: This issue could be related to plugin build problems. Please follow the steps outlined in this troubleshooting guide: Resolving Plugin Build Issues.

Symptom: A dashboard with many widgets under Tabber loads slowly.
Solution: Loading a dashboard with Tabber loads all widgets, even if they are not displayed under a specific tab. Move some widgets to a separate dashboard and consider using the JumpToDashboard add-on. Refer to the guide on how to use the JTD plugin: JumpToDashboard Plugin - How to Use and Customize. If this does not resolve the issue, please refer to the Troubleshooting Performance Issues guide.

Symptom: A custom script used to customize widget functionality with the add-on stopped working after an upgrade, or a widget with Tabber is malfunctioning. Possible symptoms of such an issue include incorrect UI behavior when navigating between tabs, wrong highlighting of the tabs, or widget resizing issues.
Solution: Remove the custom script from the widget to verify if the native Tabber functionality works correctly. If it does, the issue is caused by the custom script, which should be reviewed by its developer.

Symptom: Tabber script configurations stopped working after an upgrade. The UI of the Tabber add-on is different from the previous version.
Solution: Starting from Tabber version 1.2.0 (included in Sisense version L2024.2 and later), configuration parameters supported in the UI are ignored in the script. However, the widget script functionality remains available (as with other widgets), and script code unrelated to Tabber configurations will still execute. 

If you encounter issues with widget display after updating to Tabber version 1.2.0 or newer, you can revert to configuring the widget via script by adding the following parameter:
widget.scriptConfig = true;

To return to using UI configuration, change the property to false. Please refer to the Tabber guide for more details.


The Tabber add-on is a versatile tool for managing and organizing widgets in Sisense. While it is designed for reliability, certain scenarios may require troubleshooting to maintain optimal functionality. This guide provides clear solutions to common issues, helping you address them effectively. For additional support, consult Sisense community resources or reach out to the Sisense support team.

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Last update:
‎01-28-2025 09:31 AM
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