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Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member

Resolving plugin build issues


This guide provides step-by-step instructions to address common issues with plugins failing to compile. Possible symptoms of this issue include a newly added system add-on not appearing or changes made to the add-on files not being reflected in the UI. By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

Steps to Resolve Issues

For Cloud-Managed Services (Linux)

  1. Locate the last uploaded add-on in the plugins directory and try to remove it (ensure you make a backup copy of this folder beforehand). To do this:

- Open the Admin tab.

- Navigate to System Management > File Management (under Server & Hardware) > plugins directory.

- Sort plugins by their last update date to identify which ones might potentially cause issues. 

2. Go to the Add-ons page under the Admin tab and try to disable/enable any add-on to check if the plugin's build process starts.
If the process is running, you will see a message like “Add-ons build in progress” at the top right corner of the page.

3. If the issue persists, contact the Support team for further assistance.

For On-Premises Deployments (Linux)

  1. Locate the last uploaded add-on in the plugins directory and try to remove it (ensure you make a backup copy of this folder beforehand). To do this:

- Open the Admin tab.

- Navigate to System Management > File Management (under Server & Hardware) > plugins directory.

- Sort plugins by their last update date to identify which ones might potentially cause issues. 

2. Go to the Add-ons page under the Admin tab and try to disable/enable any add-on to check if the plugins build process starts.
If the process is running, you will see a message like “Add-ons build in progress” at the top right corner of the page.

3. Restart the plugins service on the server using the following command:
 kubectl -n sisense delete pod $(kubectl -n sisense get pods -l app="build" -o custom-columns="")

4. Check the status and events of the plugins pod on the server by using the commands provided in this guide “Sisense Linux CLI Commands”:

5. Review the RAM consumption of the plugins pod in Grafana:

- Open the Admin tab.

- Navigate to System Management > Monitoring > Dashboards, and choose All pods per namespace.

- On the dashboard, select Namespace = Sisense and the relevant pod (e.g., plugins-{unique identifier}).

- Check the Memory usage graph (default RAM limit is 1536 MB).

6. If you encounter OOMKilled errors or high RAM consumption for the plugins pod, refer to the troubleshooting steps outlined here “Add-ons Service Memory Consumption”:

For On-Premises Deployments (Windows)

  1. Locate the last uploaded add-on in the plugins directory: C:\Program Files\Sisense\app\plugins (for V7.2+), and try to remove it (ensure you make a backup copy of this folder beforehand).

  2. Restart the Sisense.Plugins service. To do so:
  • Open Task Manager  
  • Navigate to the Services tab.
  • Restart the Sisense.Plugins service.

Follow this guide for more details “Restart All Sisense Services”:


Following this guide helps resolve plugin compilation issues by targeting common problems such as insufficient memory allocation, stuck build processes, or service malfunctions. For further assistance, always consult the official documentation or contact your support team.

Related Content

  1. Sisense Linux CLI Commands:

  2. Add-ons Service Memory Consumption:

  3. Restart Windows Services:
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Last update:
‎01-24-2025 01:19 AM
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