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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
Customers create dashboards and sharing them with other. Sometimes, there are a lot of dashboards in the dashboard panel which can cause a mess and confuse them.
For that, we created the plugin called 'managed Dashboards' which divides the dashboards panel into 2 tabs - All and Offical.
The 'All' tab shows all the user's dashboards including - shared dashboards, own dashboards, own folders, etc.
The Official tab is showing pre-defined dashboards/folders which already exists in the All tab and categorise them by also pre-defined titles.
This is meant to separate the user's private dashboards/folders from the shared ones and basically, lets the Administrators share dashboards and order them for all users in the same way.
  1. Extract the .rar file into "C:\[Sisense path]\PrismWeb\Plugins". If you are using version 7.2 and higher unzip the contents into your C:\Program Files\Sisense\app\plugins\ folder. 
  2. Configure the 'factory.js' file according to the 'Configuration' section
  3. Refresh Sisense Web Page
  4. Enjoy your new dashboard panel.
Navigate to the manage Dashboards plugin folder into the Plugins folder and open the 'factory.js' file.
This file is responsible for what folders or dashboards are going to be shown in the 'Official' tab.
There are 2 configuration objects you need to set:
  1. window.nvFactory.nvTabberData
The first object is where you need to set the dashboards/folders/Headers/separators ordered as you want.
You have 4 options:
1. Header - plain header text.
2. Separator - separating line.
3. Folder - Existing folder, matched by name and owner.
  - The *owner is optional, and when is not provided, the first folder to match the name will be supplied.
  - Text matching is case-insensitive.
4. Dashboard - ** Root folder dashboard, matched by name and owner.
  - The *owner is optional, and when is not provided, the first dashboard to match the name will be supplied.
  - Text matching is case-insensitive.
* Each folder/dashboard has its owner, and while there can be several dashboards/folders with the same name - if you want a specific folder/dashboard you have to provide the owner so it'll know what to take. if no owner is provided, then, the first match will be taken
** Root folder dashboards refer to dashboards outside of a folder - all folders/dashboards are under the root folder.
For example:
window.nvFactory.nvTabberData = [
        { type: 'header', caption: 'sales dept.' },
        { type: 'separator'},
        { type: 'folder', name: 'Mobiles', owner: ''},
        { type: 'dashboard', name: 'sample - ecommerce', owner: '' }
When you decide to show a specific folder in the official tab, notice that all dashboards under that folder will be shown.
The second object is where you need to set the default tab and aliasing the tab names.
you have 2 objects to set:
  1. defaultTab - accept the words 'official' or 'all' (lower case) and determine what tab to open on load by default.
  2. names - contains 2 properties called 'all' and 'official'. Each of them accepts any text you want to be displayed in the tab
For example:
window.nvFactory.nvTabberDefaults = {
    defaultTab: 'official', 
    names: {
        all: 'all my dash', 
        official: 'else' 
Note that all users should see the same folders/dashboards that are set in the configuration BUT in case something is set in the configuration and the dashboard/folder is not shared with him, he won't see it (only headers and separators are visible to all)
For the following configuration:
The Dashboards panel will look as followed:
All panel:

Official panel:
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12 - Data Integration
12 - Data Integration

Hello @intapiuser 

It seems that this does not work for Linux. Is it possible to make it compatible with linux?


Community Team Leader
Community Team Leader

Hello @HamzaJ,

We are working on updating these older plugins, but we don't have an ETA right now.

11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

Hi Community,

Thanks to your valuable feedback, we have recently integrated and launched the capability of managing the dashboard panel within our FREE Folder Organizer plugin.

All the features presented in the community plugin are now available in a Linux-supported version by Paldi Solutions.


This plugin also allows you to internally organize dashboards within folders without displaying the sorting prefix.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out—we're always happy to help! 😊

Email us at

Paldi Solutions - The #1 Developer of Sisense Plugins

Version history
Last update:
‎03-02-2023 09:23 AM
Updated by: