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Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member

How to unblock users after failed login attempts 

Protecting user credentials can't be overstated in any secure system. Security measures such as locking users after multiple failed login attempts are critical in preventing brute-force attacks. However, while this feature strengthens security, it can also become a source of frustration for legitimate users who mistakenly enter the wrong password multiple times.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of unblocking users who have been locked out after multiple failed login attempts using Sisense’s REST API. We will explore the challenges this feature presents and how API calls can streamline the user management process for administrators.

Why Are Users Locked Out?

Sisense, like many other platforms, implements security protocols to temporarily lock users out after a series of incorrect password attempts. The aim is to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data by blocking brute-force attacks. While this is a necessary security measure, it can also affect valid users who may have simply mistyped their passwords several times. 

The lockout settings can be managed under Admin -> Security&Access -> Security Settings


Using the REST API to Unblock Users

To allocate the blocked user ID, simply go to Admin -> Users perform the email search, click on the pencil icon on the right side, and copy the user identifier.


With Sisense's REST API, you can easily unblock the users. To perform unblocking go to Admin -> REST API -> v1 -> default 

Expand the POST request /account/remove_lockout/{user_id}, click “Try It Out”, paste the user's ID into the user_id field, and click execute


After this user will be unblocked. 

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REST API Dev Docs:

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‎12-09-2024 12:31 PM
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