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Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member

How to identify and download logs from the Sisense server 

Usually, you are provided with the list of logs needed for the investigation of your issue by the Sisense support team. They may include names of the file and, if you are experiencing build failures, ec-bld log of affected c 


How to identify ec-bld log name for a particular cube 

  1. Login to Sisense server 
  2. While the cube is building, run the command: ›

1 kubectl -n sisense get pods | grep bld 

You will see all bld pods for all active builds. You can identify the necessary bld pod since it will contain the cubes name in its name 

For example:  

Cubes name - Sample Healthcare 

Possible bld pod name - ec-sample-healthcare-bld-c766573f-cd22-2

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.43.42 AM.png[ALT Text: A terminal window displaying command line input and output. The input command shows "bucket -n s3:aws get prob" followed by a command that includes "grep yfi". The output indicates a number "2.7" and additional status information, including "Running" and "0" with a time of "3s".]
3. Note the name of the pod. Log file will be named the same, with .log extensio 

For example ec-sample-healthcare-bld-c766573f-cd22-2.log 

4. Wait for the build to finish before proceeding with downloading the l 

How to download logs 

You will follow different processes depending on whether you have a single-node or multi-node environment If you have a single-node: 

  1. Login to the Sisense server 
  2. Go to the folder with logs: 

1 cd /var/log/sisense/sisense 

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.45.28 AM.png
[ALT Text: The image displays a partially obscured text with a blue and gray box, surrounded by green-highlighted text on a dark background. The text layout suggests a digital or programming context, possibly displaying code or output from a software application. The overall tone is technical and modern.]
3. Here look for log files, which were specified by support t 

We will use query.log and ec-bld log of the particular cube as an example (we will use ec-sample-healthcare-bld c766573f-cd22-2.log, which we have identified in a section above). You need to substitute their names to the logs y need in this and all future steps. 

1 ls -l | grep query.log 

2 ls -l | grep ec-sample-healthcare-bld-c766573f-cd22-2 

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.46.24 AM.png
[ALT text: A terminal window displaying command line entries. The highlighted lines show a user performing `ls -l` to list files and using the `grep` command to search through log files. The output includes file names with timestamps and sizes. The overall appearance is dark-themed with green and blue text on a black background.]
4. After you make sure that all requested logs exist, copy these files to your file manager. We will copy them into folder, which is usually used for this purpose.  

1 cp query.log /opt/sisense/storage/data/query.log

2 cp ec-sample-healthcare-bld-c766573f-cd22-2.log /opt/sisense/storage/data/ec-sample-healthcare-bld-c766573f cd22-2.log 

After these commands, there should be no output in the console 

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.47.31 AM.png

[ALT Text: A screenshot of a command line interface displaying a series of text lines, predominantly in green on a black background, indicating some kind of terminal activity or output. The visible text appears to include file names and potentially command outputs but is mostly obscured or unclear due to formatting.]

5. In Admin tab open File Manager. There in ‘Data’ folder you will find log files and will be able to download it from

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.48.27 AM.png

[ALT text: A screenshot of a file management interface from Sisense. The top section displays a search bar and a list of files, including "example-file-name" and "canny.log," with details on their size and last modified date. The bottom section shows a similar layout, featuring a highlighted file named "example-file-name" with its size and a recent modification time. The color scheme includes a light background with blue and yellow accents.]

If you have a multi-node: 

  1. Login to the Sisense server 
  2. Find out the current directory (usually it's /home/ec2-user/) and copy it 

1 pwd 

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.49.25 AM.png

[ALT Text: A blurred close-up of a computer terminal screen displaying a command line input in green text on a dark background. The command includes parameters such as "ec2-user" and file paths, suggesting interaction with an EC2 instance.] 

3. Run the command 

1 kubectl -n sisense get pods | grep -E 'fluentd|management'

You will receive the names of your fluentd and management pods. Copy the 

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.50.01 AM.png
[ALT Text: Text-based terminal output showing two processes running: "Sabotage-1: Cider" with a PID of 272 and a status of "running," and "management: AttackProxy:Meta" with a PID of 171 and a status of "running." The text has a green font on a dark background.]
4. Form the commands to copy log files, 2 commands for each f 

We will use query.log as an example. You need to substitute their names for the logs you need in this and all future steps. 


1 kubectl -n sisense cp  <your_fluentd_pod_name>:/var/log/sisense/sisense/<log_file_name> <current directory_name>/<log_file_name> 

2 If namespace is other than 'sisense' the command will be: 

3 kubectl -n sisense cp  <your_fluentd_pod_name>:/var/log/<your_namespace>/sisense/<log_file_name> <current directory_name>/<log_file_name> 

4 For example: 

5 kubectl -n sisense cp fluentd-5b565b7b7c-462dr:/var/log/sisense/sisense/query.log /home/ec2-user/query.log 



Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.51.02 AM.png

[ALT Text: A blurred image of a computer screen displaying code or text, with green characters on a dark background. The content appears to be technical in nature, possibly related to programming or data processing.]


1 kubectl -n sisense  cp <log_file_name> <your_management_pod_name>:/opt/sisense/storage/data/<log_file_name> 2 For example: 

3 kubectl -n sisense cp query.log management-765cbcf7bb-qr9mx:/opt/sisense/storage/data/query_00782680.log 


Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.53.15 AM.png

[ALT Text: The image displays an abstract representation of text or code with a glowing green effect on a dark background, creating a digital or matrix-like appearance. The text appears to be distorted or scrambled, adding to the overall aesthetic.]

5.In Admin tab open File Manager. There is ‘Data’ folder you will find log files and will be able to download them from 


Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.53.50 AM.png

[ALT text: A screenshot of the Sisense dashboard displaying the File Management section. There are options on the left sidebar including "User Management," "App Configuration," and "File Management." The main area lists two files: "e-sample-whiteboard-0d16-7057-4E29-6B.jpg" and "," with their respective sizes and last modified time. A search bar is also visible at the top.]

 6. Go back to the server and remove copied files from the local folder (usually it's /home/ec2-user/ 

1 rm <log_file_name> 

2 For example:  

3 rm query.log

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‎01-30-2025 11:20 AM
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