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Community Team Member
Community Team Member


I have created a custom starred filter, however, when i go to a different account that is not the admin, this does not appear on the date filter.


Designers should be able to view starred filters when dashboards are republished, but viewers cannot. You could consider giving the consumers access to these filtering options.

This can be done with the following step using the Sisense API:

  • Locate the security permission you would like to add to the users from the security table. In this example I used the "used_starred" options
  • Community_Admin_0-1634258374974.png
  • Follow the steps at the bottom of this document to modify the role security
  • Run PUT/roles/{idOrName}/manifest/{path} with the following info
    (or do a GET command to obtain the right role if you have customized your roles)Community_Admin_1-1634258374978.png
  • Check the shared dashboard to see that Viewers can now use starred filters


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Version history
Last update:
‎02-22-2024 01:25 PM
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