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I am building a bar chart show actual vs target number. And in my actual number, I am using a conditional color if it is over the target then show yellow if not show blue here. After I added the conditional color on the "Actual sale" value, the legend item colors are all in grey. Is there a way to show this icon color as how it is on the values on left panel (blue + yellow color)?
Below is a script you can use to replace the grey box for the measure with conditional formatting with a two-tone box, one for each of the selected colors. If you need to reuse the script for another widget, make sure to update the line below with the correct measure name.
const measureName = "Actual Sale"
widget.on("ready",function(se, ev){// Define the measure nameconst measureName ="Actual Sale";// Define a unique ID for the two-tone legend itemconst legendItemID ="two-tone-"+ widget.oid +"-"+ measureName.replace(/\s+/g,"")+"-legend-item";// Find the metadata of the measureconst measureMetadata = widget.metadata.panels[1].items.find((item)=>{if(item.jaql && item.jaql.title.indexOf(measureName)!==-1){returntrue;}});// Define the gradient colors as variablesconst color1 = measureMetadata.format.color.conditions[0].color;const color2 = measureMetadata.format.color.conditions[1].color;// Find the text element for the measureconst legendItemText = Array.from(element.get(0).querySelectorAll("text")).find((textElement)=> textElement.textContent.trim()=== measureName
);if(legendItemText){// Locate the parent <g> group containing the text and rectconst parentGroup = legendItemText.closest("g");if(parentGroup){// Find the associated <rect> elementconst rectElement = parentGroup.querySelector("rect.highcharts-point");if(rectElement){// Create a <defs> element for the gradientconst defs = document.createElementNS("","defs");const gradient = document.createElementNS("","linearGradient");
gradient.setAttribute("id", legendItemID);
gradient.setAttribute("y2","0%");// Create gradient stopsconst stop1 = document.createElementNS("","stop");
stop1.setAttribute("style",`stop-color: ${color1}; stop-opacity: 1`);const stop2 = document.createElementNS("","stop");
stop2.setAttribute("style",`stop-color: ${color2}; stop-opacity: 1`);// Append stops to the gradient
defs.appendChild(gradient);// Insert the <defs> into the SVG root (if not already present)let svgRoot = rectElement.closest("svg");if(!svgRoot){// Wrap the rect in a new SVG if one isn't present
svgRoot = document.createElementNS("","svg");
rectElement.parentNode.replaceChild(svgRoot, rectElement);
svgRoot.insertBefore(defs, svgRoot.firstChild);// Apply the gradient to the rect
Below is a script you can use to replace the grey box for the measure with conditional formatting with a two-tone box, one for each of the selected colors. If you need to reuse the script for another widget, make sure to update the line below with the correct measure name.
const measureName = "Actual Sale"
widget.on("ready",function(se, ev){// Define the measure nameconst measureName ="Actual Sale";// Define a unique ID for the two-tone legend itemconst legendItemID ="two-tone-"+ widget.oid +"-"+ measureName.replace(/\s+/g,"")+"-legend-item";// Find the metadata of the measureconst measureMetadata = widget.metadata.panels[1].items.find((item)=>{if(item.jaql && item.jaql.title.indexOf(measureName)!==-1){returntrue;}});// Define the gradient colors as variablesconst color1 = measureMetadata.format.color.conditions[0].color;const color2 = measureMetadata.format.color.conditions[1].color;// Find the text element for the measureconst legendItemText = Array.from(element.get(0).querySelectorAll("text")).find((textElement)=> textElement.textContent.trim()=== measureName
);if(legendItemText){// Locate the parent <g> group containing the text and rectconst parentGroup = legendItemText.closest("g");if(parentGroup){// Find the associated <rect> elementconst rectElement = parentGroup.querySelector("rect.highcharts-point");if(rectElement){// Create a <defs> element for the gradientconst defs = document.createElementNS("","defs");const gradient = document.createElementNS("","linearGradient");
gradient.setAttribute("id", legendItemID);
gradient.setAttribute("y2","0%");// Create gradient stopsconst stop1 = document.createElementNS("","stop");
stop1.setAttribute("style",`stop-color: ${color1}; stop-opacity: 1`);const stop2 = document.createElementNS("","stop");
stop2.setAttribute("style",`stop-color: ${color2}; stop-opacity: 1`);// Append stops to the gradient
defs.appendChild(gradient);// Insert the <defs> into the SVG root (if not already present)let svgRoot = rectElement.closest("svg");if(!svgRoot){// Wrap the rect in a new SVG if one isn't present
svgRoot = document.createElementNS("","svg");
rectElement.parentNode.replaceChild(svgRoot, rectElement);
svgRoot.insertBefore(defs, svgRoot.firstChild);// Apply the gradient to the rect
Hi @TriAnthony thank you again on sharing this script! On my dashboard, there are a few more different widgets but with the same Target Sales and Actual Sales measure names. After I apply this script in all widgets, only one widget has the updated 2 tone color, the rest are still in grey. Is there a way to make them all work?
Thank you for pointing that out! I have updated the script in my original comment. It now works for all widgets the script is applied to, and the legend colors are consistent with the colors selected at the widget configuration.