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How to display current date in the header of the dash board using Blox code ? any help

7 - Data Storage
7 - Data Storage

Hi All ,

Kindly help me to display current date on the dash board which is used in BLOX code, below is the screen shot of the my requirement.



Community Team Member
Community Team Member

Hello @sumarani,

Thank you for your question.

BloX widgets are JSON objects that render HTML and CSS, so you should be able to use HTML to display that inside your Blox widget.

I hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Have a great day!

David Raynor (DRay)

10 - ETL
10 - ETL

@sumarani Really cool use of Blox in your screenshot! One option would be to create a field in your data model called TodaysDate using the Now() function. Then reference that in your Blox widget. As long as your cube refreshes at least once a day this should work. 

Community Team Member
Community Team Member

Hello @sumarani ,

I wanted to follow up to see if either of the solutions offered by worked for you.

If so, please click the 'Accept as Solution' button so that other users with the same questions can find the answer faster. If not, please let us know so that we can continue to help.

Thank you.

David Raynor (DRay)