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What technique you added drove the most consistent use?

9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member

@Michael-Schram can you give us some more details around what you mean by technique and what kind of usage you are looking to get the insight for?  

9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

@Matt_Madden , I only intended to solicit and pool together dashboard techniques that successfully infiltrated end user's routines.  I'm especially interested in techniques that exceeded expectations.

For example, our organization used the JumpToDashboard add-on to merge multiple dashboards essentially  into a single dashboard, with a progression in the level of detail.  This created a tool for exploring opportunities and identifying target scope in a business area.  These are used much more frequently and consistently than a KPI review dashboard.

Great to hear.  I'm curious, have you seen an improvement in opportunity growth or better target identifications as a result?  Or has it just enabled more usage?

The main benefit we've derived at this time is the ability keep a detail view, with many columns, separate from the high level aggregate view, with dimensions.  The transition from the aggregates to full detail makes taking action on a discovered data population more actionable.