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Front-End Running Sum Left Join using Filtered Measure - Filters Not Affecting Widgets

9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

Hi community,

Recently we used the Filtered Measure plugin to create some running sum measures for widgets, which works incredibly well, using these steps. However, when we add our dashboard filters to the measure, they no longer work in filtering the data on the chart - for instance, if we filter out a few customers from the total, the total numbers don't change. (Total sum, for example, stays $10m if I remove all customers, when it should be 0 or empty.) Has anyone experienced this and found a workaround? From my understanding, this occurs because the plugin is including values prior to dashboard filters taking place, and thus preventing the dashboard filters from fully affecting the widget, resulting in always having the full set of numbers as though it were unfiltered. I'm trying to find a workaround, but not sure how to go about it considering it's in the plugin. 


Any help would be great! Thanks in advance


Community Team Leader
Community Team Leader

Hi @turtleData123,

 Have you reached out to support about this? They should be able to help you.

David Raynor (DRay)